Chapter 4

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"Fionna!" a thousand year old vampire king yelled as beads of sweat rolled down his face

The teenager's chest rose up and down rapidly as his, unneeded, breathing fastened. The boy threw his thin gray, which was formerly red, blanket and wiped the sweat off his face and neck. It was rare that he had a nightmare, or any dream at all.

"Five months!" He yelled, "Why are you still thinking about her, Marshall Lee?!"

He groaned and rested his head at the wall, earning a pain at the back of his head.

"This is just so," He murmured, "wrong." He paused for a while, "And idiotic."

He crossed his arms behind his head.

"Maybe paying her a visit isn't much of a bad idea." He shrugged, "But did she forget it already?"

A quiet humming sound came from the tree house. A quiet humming sound and a loud scream that positively came from a cat. The two heroines of Aaa were getting ready for another adventure. The blonde girl hummed quietly as she grabbed her skirt and put it on properly, she walked out the bathroom.

"Hey Cake could you bring BMO to soccer for me today?" Fionna asked as she climbed down the stairs, to the kitchen where Cake was cooking up hers and the human's breakfast

"Is there something wrong?" Cake asked

"I'm just not feeling good." The girl shrugged as her sister served the plate of pancakes

"Alright, but I want you to rest today. That means, no adventuring, and no seeing Ignitus."

"I'm alright with that." the human answered

The cat nodded and she and her sister finished their meals in silence. Cake put their dishes on the sink and filled it with water.

"I'm going to take BMO to soccer now." Cake called

"Soccer! Soccer!" BMO chanted with a happy yet soft voice

"I'll just be upstairs." Fionna stated

"Alright, sugar. I'll be back in a little bit." Cake finished and exited the treehouse with BMO behind her in a too big shirt

Fionna climbed up the stairs and lied down on her bed, reading a dating book the cat owned.

She heard a silent knocking from the window across her and found a teenager waving at her.

"Whoa." Fionna whispered and walked over to the window

She stared curiously at the man and hesitantly opened it. The raven-haired teen floated inside and put his feet firmly on the wooden floor.

The human stared at the odd creature.


He opened his arms wide as if asking for a hug. Fionna took little steps towards the stranger and let him wrap his arms around her. He hugged her tight with his head in the crook of her neck. For a stranger, the boy hugged her too tightly like a child holding its stuffed toy. The boy finally released her from the hug and she stepped back a little to which the boy frowned at.

Marceline stood up and stretched, earning a frown and a whine from everyone.

"Finn can you take over for a while?" The vampire girl asked

"Wha-. Me?" the boy pointed at himself

"Yeah. I'm gonna go find something to eat for a while." She responded

"Hey, why can't it be me?" The Ice King complained

"Because you're going to ruin this story and kill Marshall Lee. It's like killing me!" Marceline rolled her eyes

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