Chapter 7

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"Gumball!" I yelled boredly

"What do you-. Marshall! You're back!" Gumball stated happily

"Yeah so what happened around here while I was gone?" I asked, not actually caring that much

"Well the Candy Kingdom's got a new fountain, well you know, after you 'accidentally' broke it a few weeks ago." Gumball answered

"Not that, the other one." I rolled my eyes

"Oh well, Ignitus and Fionna are still dating."

I sighed.

"Yeah I didn't want to tell you that in the first place, you know." He shook his head no, "Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to the fifteen-year plan?"

"It didn't go as I had expected it. I just thought it would clear my mind a bit but it clouded it more, you get what I'm saying?" I asked

"I know how it feels to rule." He rolled his eyes

"Much worse in the Nightosphere." I chuckled

"And it doesn't seem like it's cool there." He joked

We shared a quick laughter.

"You know Gumbutt, you're starting to grow on me." I smiled slightly

"Well, Ooo missed your evil." He shrugged, "Maybe it's just simply how it all works."

I gave gave a small toothy grin.


"It is how it works. You raise a little hell up here, so what? We have rules to disobey lightly right?" He stated

I nodded weakly.

"Anyway, I need to get going. I want to take in the cool night air."

He waved goodbye as I floated away from the kingdom. It was a peaceful night. No candy people around, no Ice Queen, no late-night adventuring from Fionna. It was quiet. So quiet that I could hear my heart spreading my blood weakly by tamed heart beats. I understand that my heart is dead, but I could still hear my heart beats. Well it's kind of possible because I still have blood and based on Gumball's observations, blood cannot go around the body without heart beats.

Anyway, it was quiet. I know that I had said those words repeatedly but still, for me, it's a little too quiet.

After a half an hour of just simply floating around, I heard a quiet maniac-ish laughter. I looked down and saw the Ice Queen, on her way to... Well I don't actually know where. This isn't the direction where the Candy Kingdom is supposed to be at.

I floated down near her.

"Hey Simone." I greeted coolly

"Huh? Marshall Lee? You're back!" She smiled and stopped creating an ice path that kept her track above the land

"Since today." I shrugged, "So how's the fan fiction thing going?"

"Not well. Gunther said that I needed inspiration." She answered, "And now I know where to get some."

"Fionna's going to kick your butt so why bother kidnapping Gumbutt?" I asked

"Let's just say, she wouldn't know yet!" She cackled then created an ice cage around me

"What the junk, Simone!"

She dragged the ice cage with me along with it. We went all the way to the Ice Kingdom and there she imprisoned me.

"What happened on getting Gumball?!" I snapped

"I've come to the conclusion that he's a prince and you're a king. And obviously a king wins!" She stated

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