Chapter 8

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"So Fionna has amnesia and Marshall Lee decided to rule the Nightosphere and failed the attempt then Ice Queen kidnapped him and Fionna found him with a stick in his heart and now they're at the hospital?" Marceline asked

"Exactly." Finn replied, "Anyway, here's your position back."

Finn stood up from his chair and aided Marceline who just shook her head no.

"I think I'm going to listen for a while. It's beggining to be a great story after all." Marceline sat down at the floor with the others while Finn sat back down on the ice chair

A few hours had passed and Marshall Lee had been moved to a private room. The stick on his heart was gone an yet he was still unstable.

"I'm sorry Fionna but," A candy doctor inquired, "he's just stabbed right where the heart belongs and it's the vampire's weakest point."

"Well it's out now right? So why is he still unstable?" Fionna asked, her voice trembling in fear

"We are just Candy doctors and this is the first time a vampire comes to us for help. Sure we know how to heal humans, cats, and anyone else, except for creatures from the Nightosphere."

The girl sniffed and tried to stop her tears as she nodded grimly.

"Yeah, uh, I'm just... Going in, if, you, you know, allow it."

"It's alright, you can all go in." The doctor inquired

Fionna braced herself into entering the room. The cool hospital air hit her face as she opened the door. The scent of the air conditioner spreading through the room. A steady beeping sound and the sound of blood rushing through plastic tubes, entering the pierced body.

She looked at the scenery. She looked at the plain white walls. She looked at the lone bed in the far middle side of the room. She looked at the machines attached to the one lying down on the bed. She looked at everywhere.

Fionna stepped closer and closer to the bed. Each step making her heart pulpitate faster. She glanced towards the dark black hair, the darkest she's ever seen. The pale bluish skin, which has few little holes, all being connected to the machine by thin plastic tubes.

"Hey M-Marshall." She started, "Yeah so, um, Marsh, if you could, please, please wake up."

Fionna cried on the bed near Marshall's hand. She buried her face on the sheets, soaking them with wet tears. She stayed for that for more than five minutes until she felt two cold arms snake down her belly, a chin on her shoulder and a cold body pressed against her back.

"I'm still here, bunny." Came a soft, deep voice

She felt the warm breath on her ears, even with her hat on.

"Don't cry."

Fionna opened her eyes and removed her head from the sheets.

She turned around and asked, "Marshall? Where are you?"

She turned her attention back to the bed and still saw her unconscious friend there.

"It was just a dream?"

Cake and Gumball entered the room and Cake put a hand on Fionna's back.

"Baby Cakes, you alright with this?" The feline asked

Fionna looked at Marshall's peaceful face. She could just forget about everything and let him go, after all, he had been living for more than a thousand years, and all he had been doing was mischief... and hitting on girls.

Or she could try to find a way to make him live... but then, how?

Fionna stood up from her seat.

"Cake I'm going." She muttered, facing the wall with a blank expression on her face

"What?" The two asked silently

"I-I'm going to see death."

"Wait, Fionna, you must be kidding. You cannot trade anything to get Marshall's life back. Don't you remember? He's immortal." Gumball stated

"Well, I know that but, Death can at least take an adventurer's life, right?" Fionna asked

"Sugar what do you think you're doing?!" Cake said, flabbergasted

"If I can't have Marshall, what will be of my life? Cake you know that he's my friend. I cannot live without him." She stated as she marched towards the door

"I'm coming with you." Cake wrapped her arms throughout Fionna's whole body except for the head

"Cake, no, please. I, I want to do this." Fionna shook her head and the cat released her, "You have another adventure. It's to not to tell Ignitus about me going down there. Both of you. NOT."

The two nodded and Fionna ran out. Cake and Gumball looked at each other then at Marshall.

"He's not much of a friend to me, but, she's Fionna's friend so technically, I should be nice to him." Cake stated, mostly to herself

"I believe you Cake. If it isn't for Fionna, he and I aren't going to be as close as we used to." Gumball mumbled

Fionna walked around the Land of the Dead. She had been doing the same act for the past thirty minutes, all the while avoiding the skeletons.

"Wait, Finn, how do you know about the Land of the Dead?" Marceline asked curiously

"Uh," Finn looked towards Jake then at Peppermint Butler, who was there for who knows how long, and both were shaking their heads nervously, "Enchiridion?"

Marceline looked at Finn curiously for a while, "Alright. Carry on."

Fionna came across the same river she went through a couple of years ago. It was the one which makes you forget about... almost everything. She turned to her right and she saw a lonely Marshall sitting by the river, looking at his reflection, if he even had any.

"Marshall Lee!" Fionna yelled and ran towards him

He looked at her, his face blank and expressionless

Cake and Gumball were bored. And worried. So far, they hadn't run into any Ignitus-business. Cake turned herself into a small ball which the prince played with.

Gumball groaned at took a look at his friend. Marshall was just lying down there. Doing nothing. Marshall's right index finger flinched a little, making the pink prince gap his mouth a little.

"Did you, did you see that?" Gumball asked

"Fionna must've found him."

"Hey Marshall," She smiled a toothy grin

Still, his face wasn't making any emotion, this made Fionna frown a bit.

"Anyway, come on, we need to get going." She held his hand and they started walking towards where she knew Death was

"Fionna." Came a mumble from the boy lying unconsciously on the hospital bed

"Uh, Gumball, I think we should probably call the doctor." Cake said, a hand to her mouth

"No. Fionna's just succeeding. This should be normal."

"Death!" Fionna yelled

The guy known as 'Death' turned around, a watering can in hand.

"Fionna the Human." Death started, "It's not safe for a human to go roaming around here."

"I know that. But I'm here to get him." Fionna pulled Marshall near him

"Vampire King? He's been trouble for as long as I can remember, I think it's time to claim him, mine." Death stated

"No, please! Take me instead." Fionna pleaded

"You sound desperate enough, but you're mortal. You will, for sure, soon be mine." The skeleton said

Fionna stomped her right foot.

"I promised myself that I will not go out of here that I'm either with him, or me, dead."

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