Chapter 10

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Everybody went home that night. There wasn't any problem to worry about. Gumball proceeded to the Candy Kingdom castle and Cake went to the tree fort. Fionna insisted that she would stay for the night, Cake thought that they wanted some private time, making her worry and remind Fionna to not to do tier 15 but knowing Marshall, he wouldn't dare touch Fionna if he knew what was good for his face.

"So, Fionna," Marshall started, "you know how you have a ton of possible solutions for earlier, right?"

"I know." Fionna nodded

"Yeah, so, why a kiss?" Marshall interrogated

"Well, Cake and I had this little conversation a few days ago. She said that there is no force stronger than love itself. Then PG said to me that I shouldn't kiss FP because he's physically unstable but then again, thinking of Cake's advice, I still did and well there is a stronger force than love. So earlier I thought of Cake's suggestion again and well, it proved that Cake's theory is true. The only reason that FP and I got in trouble was because it wasn't true love." Fionna smiled

"Well, true. At least for once I agree with your sister." He responded

Fionna giggled and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Sleep tight." Fionna said

"You too my little bunny."

Three weeks later...

Marshall's POV

"You are in a relationship with a HUMAN!" My mother yelled at the top of her lungs

"Exactly." I smirked

"A human, Marshall Lee, is a mortal. And you expect me to calm down!" Mom stated

"Well she's a human alright, but she's the heroine of Ooo, I think it makes every rule invalid." I chuckled

"That's just it Marshall. You are KING of the Vampires, and vampires are supposed to suck the blood from mortals, especially humans. I do not want my race to have human blood." And I stopped listening then, turning it all to noise

My mother ranted on and on about me being in love with a human was wrong. She was scolding me as if Fionna wasn't there with me. As if we weren't in the middle of the kingdom I'm supposed to be ruling. As if not one soul was there to hear her.

"Mrs. Abadeer," Fionna started, interuppting my mother

My mother stopped talking then Fionna looked nervously to me then back to my mother.

"Um, Marshall and I went down here to tell you something... Important." Fionna continued

"What is so important about a mortal?" She muttered

"Well, I'm actually," Fionna paused, "pregnant."

"What?!" My mom hissed, going back to being angry

No, she's not really pregnant. I haven't even touched her yet. I could have, but, you know, Cake. Anyway, we actually came down here to introduce her to my mother which probably Fionna found out boring.

I tried to stiffle in my laughter like Fionna until I burst into laughter.

"Oh man I didn't know that you'd buy it." I laughed

"Buy what?" My mom glared at me

"That she's pregnant." Now Fionna was laughing with me

"Oh so you meant that this is all a joke? The couple and pregnant topic?" Mom smiled a bit

"Well the pregnant topic isn't true." I shrugged

My mom glared at me and Fionna.

"I cannot think that this would become a problem of mine." She groaned, "But if I receive one news that you two are going to get married, I'm going to kill her!"

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