Meeting the hot neighbor

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A/N I will be glad if u put the song worth it while reading this!!

I got out of the car with my luggage not letting Alan take it. 

" Hey here is your plane ticket." Kathy said facing me.

"What do you mean?, I thought we were going to use my privet jet." I stated out of confusion.

"No we have to act like normal people." releasing a frustrating sigh at this knowing I can never win when it comes to these stuff.

"Oh cheer up we're riding first class." I smiled when she said this.      

 I walked in the airport, when I gave the lady my  ticket I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched but I brushed it off and went inside the plane. We found our seats and got comfortable, we had a long ass journey ahead of us.

A few hours later

I got out of the plane feeling sick, maybe it was the four bags of chips I ate.  I thought to myself.
I look around and spotted our driver, we then  walked up to him and I greeted him with a warm smile.
Then after a long fucking boring ass time we are finally here. We got out of the car and the driver helped us with our luggage or should I say Kayla's, she's such a lazy ass.

We got in the house and to say it was beautiful would be an understatement. Its cream colored walls , the tiled floors you could tell it was a simple house, it has a second floor, the house is suitable  for a small family, it also has a little old decorum to it which I liked.

We went our separate ways to find rooms we found fitting. I found one the top floor, I don't know why but something about it draws my attention. I open the door to a queen size bed that was already made, a walk in closet and I had my own bathroom. Speaking which I really need to pee. I quickly threw my luggage on the bed and practically bolted in there. once I was finish with my business I washed my hands and got out.

I went to start unpacking but first I put on some music, my favorite song came on and I  started to dance and sing along, loudly if I my add. I felt a draft came in, I turned around and saw the curtains dancing with wind. I went over to it expecting to see a window for me to close but instead I saw a glass door which lead to a balcony. I slid the door open and went out on the balcony. I was greeted by the cool fresh air that kept blowing my hair in my face.  I went to the edge and looked down but I didn't see nothing much. I looked up and came face with a boy that was about 6'3, well built, brown hair and the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen. there was something about him that I felt the need to be close to him at all times but I brushed away that thought. He smiled and waved at me and I simple returned the gesture.

"Kathy Love where the hell are you!" Kayla Shouted from my room.

" Coming!" I said then turned back around to bid goodbye to the boy but he was already gone.

I went back into my room to see Kayla with a pan tray filed with pastries. I gave her a questioned look, she rolled her eyes at me.

"I've read about this somewhere, once your new in a neighbor hood you greet your neighbors with food items, wait at least I think that's what it said." now its my turn to roll my eyes at her.

" Give it here I'll give to our neighbors." I told her.

I went next door and knocked on their door, no one answered at first so I knocked again, still no answer. when I was about to knock again the door swung open, reveling the boy from the balcony. He eyed up and down, then smirked.

" Your the girl from earlier, you were on the balcony right?" he asked, I mean come on you just saw me and you've forgotten how I look already. I mentally said  

"Of course not!" he said again.

" Wait... what ?" I asked.

" Um...nothing you can come, my name is Jonnie by the way." he said stepping out of my way so I can go in.

"You can put those in the kitchen." he told me.

I expected him to go off somewhere but I felt his eyes on me the entire time. I got in the kitchen and placed the tray of goodies on the island. I turning around I saw him watching my every move, I'm started to feel a little paranoid.

" Well I'll get going now." I said nervously.

He didn't reply but that did not stop me from getting the hell out of here. I had just reached a few feet away from him when he roughly grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall. he pressed his chest against me, his minty breath fanned over my face, I felt chills of pleasure went up my spin. finally coming to my senses I asked.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I tried free my hands which were pinned behind my back by his strong hands. He started kissing my jaw line to my shoulder bone, I had to bite my lips to stop myself from moaning.

"Please stop!" I begged

He then move away from my neck and looked at me, I saw his eyes changed from blue to red, then his canine turned into fangs. He's a vampire. He leaned head back a little and opened his mouth then came down on my neck in a swift movement. His teeth made holes in my skin making it an easy access to suck my blood. I tired pushing him away but I felt my body getting weaker by the second. He stopped and licked the area on my neck which he drew blood from, then looked at me with a smile of satisfaction plastered on his face.

"You taste so good but I think I'll save some for the next time we meet." he whispered in my ears.

 I was too weak to even blink. He moved away from but I didn't notice was that he was keeping me from falling. Waiting for the impact of the floor, but it never came. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist and a next under my knee, he held me bridal style. I felt a gush of wind around  me, I peeked open my heavy eyelids to see that he brought me to my room. I closed my eyes again this time to feel something soft and warm beneath me, I assume its my bed.

" Sleep well love, you'll need it." I could hear the smirk on his face, then he kissed me on the forehead and left in a split second. I lay there then finally welcomed the darkness.


A/N hoped you guys like the chapter please vote and comment

Love - Kathy

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