Chapter 1: Welcome to My Life

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I thought silently to myself as my fork twisted circles in the unappetizing, cafeteria noodles. All I could hear was the chatty uproar from everyone in the place, but the talk from the girls at my table was much more distinct.

'Dear God I wish they would just shut up. Why do they have to be so.. annoying. Agh! They're nothing but snotty b-'


I perked up at the sound of my name and saw the second prettiest chick in the school staring straight at me. Her emerald eyes that sparkled in the light made her look like a damned Barbie doll. 

“Hm?” I replied with the most genuinely fake smile I could put on.

“Um, is there something wrong with you? You just like.. stabbed your plate with the fork sweetie. Do you need anger management?” she squinted with a slight tilt of her head.

I looked down and saw the prongs of my fork submerged into the middle of the styrofoam plate. "Oh.."

“Like seriously, what’s your problem?” Amanda chimed in. 

“I don't have a problem. There was just a bug on my food.." I casually shrugged. "But I killed it! So no harm done.” I lied with another ingenuine smile.

'There's nothing wrong with bugs anyway..'

The girls seemed suspicious with my answer, but easily shrugged it off as expected. They were more interested in themselves and pretending to be thoughtful instead. Oh so predictable~

“Oh, well you should have said so darling. You nearly gave me a fright!” Brooke chuckled and moved her dark brown hair to one shoulder.

“Right. Well if you'll excuse me, I'm going to throw this..uh, wasted food.. away." 

I swear this cafeteria food was not food.

One of the robots beside me laughed at my comment, while brushing her hair. They weren't exactly robots.. hn. But you would think so.

There was a gentle grip on my arm, and I turned to meet Amanda's mischievous glare.

“The girls and I were planning on throwing a party this weekend over at my house, and I can't do this without you Jess..." She gave me puppy eyes with pursed lips and I rolled my eyes at her rouse. Besides the fact that she had just called me by a very intimate nickname.. "No." I sternly replied.

"Oh please~! It’s just for the fun of it, but there’s a rule…" she began to turn her attention to every other girl at the table as they leaned in to listen.

 Their heads drew near the middle of the table and I joined to keep from being the odd one out.

“The rule is that you must bring a guy with you or no entry!”  Amanda whispered loudly.

And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse she put her finger out in front of her, as if to threaten them.

BUT.. The dress code is as follows..." She began to explain on, and I lost interest before she could even finish her sentence. The freaking noodles in my plate were more entertaining.

I drowned her out by tuning into the white noise of everyone in the cafeteria, and before I knew it-

“Did you get all of that Jasselle??!” 

Amanda's blue eyes seemed to peer into my thoughts and I nodded with the sharpest smile I could put on.
"Aha, uh.. Yeah~"

“Good! You know how I don’t like to repeat myself.” She tilted her head up and brushed her hair behind her ears. 

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