Chapter 15: Anew

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The night was restless for Minato as he gathered his thoughts on how he would handle Jasselle's situation. Kushina silently slept beside him, while he stared at the ceiling for the majority of the night.

Even if it had only been a few days, he had already begun to care for her.

There must have been something conventional he could do..

'But what?'

Hours passed before he finally came up with a plan. The idea was completely unconventional and risky, but it was worth a shot.

And he would spend the next few days putting it into action.

A few days later...

It had been nearly two days since Minato merged his chakra with the girl's, and she hasn't awakened since. Occasionally they would check on her and even thought of calling a doctor, but the elder Uzumaki had faith in her and knew she would come around soon. Most importantly, he knew that she would need as much rest as possible for what was to come, and from what she had endured for the past week.

Nearing the late evening of the that day, she woke from her coma, yelling at the top of her lungs- alarming Minato, as he shot up the stairs at the sound of her cry.

Just before he reached the room, her cry had ceased and he burst through the door.

"What happened?!" Minato looked to the young woman who was trembling with eyes that looked as though they had seen hell.

He immediately went over and embraced her. "W-Where am I..." she whispered with fear.

"You're still here in my home. You're safe... Daishobu??" he asked whole-heartedly while looking down as she pressed into his chest.

"M-Mm. I just.. had a weird dream that I was stuck in a dark place, and it didn't seem to end. Demo, daishobu." she replied with a faint smile.

He reciprocated her smile and nodded. "Mm."

Jasselle slowly withdrew from him and got up, stumbling out of the bed. Minato caught her arm and stood her up, analyzing her behavior.

"Are you sure you're alright??"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine... H-How long was I sleeping?? My body feels so stiff.." she groaned.

"Almost going on three days.. I was beginning to worry..."

"Oh.. " she looked to him with blinking silver eyes that held more vigor in them than before.

Minato's smile widened a bit as he stood. "Why don't you get yourself cleaned up and meet me downstairs to eat?"

She rubbed her eyes and moaned feverishly before nodding. "A-Alright I guess. But what for?"

"I'd like to talk with you about something." he stated with no hint of whether the subject were good or bad.

She stayed where she stood, and placed a hand on her hip while eyeing him supiciously. "Ah huh~..?"

He chuckled and shooed her into the bathroom playfully. "Isogu~!" (Hurry!)

"O-Oi!! What are you-"

"I won't wait around all night. Besides, I've got a surprise for you." he finished with a wink.

Her expression dropped into complete shock. "Minato.. You didn't have to-"

"See you downstairs~" he teased as he shut the bathroom door, leaving her alone.

After showering and cleaning herself up to full renewal, she re-entered the guest room and blushed at the bags that were now on her bed.

"Huh.. funny. I don't remember these being here."

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