Chapter 7: Safe Haven

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Once we pulled into an unfamiliar driveway, Sasuke killed the engine and got out. My eyes fluttered open and I rubbed at them before noticing the newly formed blood stains on the driver's seat. 'He's still hurt..'

My door opened and I looked up to see Sasuke's face with dried blood on his cheek. "Ikuzo," he advised before walking toward the house. It was an old-style victorian home with a porch that extended all around the first floor. It was nice and looked welcoming for the most part. 'So this is where I'm supposed to be safe huh..'

Without any knowledge of where we were, I hesitantly stepped out and watched as the door opened to reveal an older, red headed woman as she came out onto the porch where Sasuke stood.

I couldn’t hear much from where I was standing, but she looked greatly concerned at his wound and put her hand on his shoulder until he gently pushed her hand away and continued into the house. 'He pushes everyone away so coldly..' 

The woman's head lowered, and she bit her lip while turning her attention towards me.

"Uh.. Hello." I smiled warmly as she blinked a few times before smiling back in the same manner.

“Hi dear! You can come closer dattebane~ I promise I won't bite.. often. Ah haha, just kidding!” she grinned real friendly-like. I chuckled a bit to myself and approached her with my hand out.

“Good afternoon, Miss. My name is Jasselle.”  She smiled and took my hand before leaning in closer to my face. 'I just met the woman and she's already acting so familiar!'

"So you're Sasuke's girlfriend, ne~??" she whispered.

I instantly leaned away and shook my hands and my head. "K-Kotoaru!!" (Hell no!)

"Oh~? Then why'd he bring you along? Sasuke-kun never brings new people.. especially not women." she blinked. For some reason I felt my cheeks getting warmer, and I clenched my jawline while looking down.

"I..I don't know. I'm not sure of anything right now, but can we please just-"

"Ah, g-gomenasai! Where are my manners?! Please, come in.. You can call me Kushina." she sweatdropped and nudged me inside the house before I could speak. 

When I went inside, my eyes widenened at how nice the house was. It felt every bit as welcoming as it looked... but Sasuke was no where in sight.

“You have a beautiful home." I complimented. 

"Arigatou gozaimasu. You can make yourself comfortable, dattebane." she smiled warmly while taking a seat on the couch. I felt obliged to do the same, so I took my place across from her. 

“So, how come you two are out of school so early, ne??”

“There was… an emergency, at the school.” I stated with uncertainty. She raised her eyebrow and looked to the cuts on my arm, but before either of us could speak, there was a sound coming from the door and it cracked opened to reveal a tall, handsome man with blonde spiky hair, and a younger guy who.. wasn't exactly as good looking, but.. 'Wait...Naruto?!' I stared at the familiar looking blonde while the elder scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "We're safe! ..and home." 

'Don't tell me this was Naruto's home...'

Kushina went over and embraced them both. “Minato, Naruto! Thank goodness you two are alright, but.. What happened???”  

The man named Minato, made eye contact with me after hugging his wife and I stood to my feet to introduce myself.

"Hello, I'm-"

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