Chapter 4: Just Another Day

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As I walked into the classroom that was almost full, the bell rang before I got a chance to sit down. 

“Mr. Uchiha, you’re holding up the class. Please take your seat with post haste!” The young and busty, blue-haired woman with glasses and a yard stick in her hands scolded.

“Yes, Ms. Moon. Forgive me for taking up a few seconds of your precious class time.” I mumbled.

As I took my seat, the class started to laugh at my comment. I didn’t get why people always took me as being funny. I was dead serious. 

“Oi Sasuke. Nice day today, eh? "

I turned to see a guy with a spiked ponytail chewing the back of a pen. “Yo, Shikamaru.” I replied before folding my hands and staring at the front of the classroom. Like every class, I was just ready to get it over with.

“Alright students, today we will be discussing the importance of angles and how to find the six trig functions based on that angle!”

I already knew this, so I just watched while everyone took out paper and pens for notes. I sighed and sat back in my chair with my hands behind my head. No sense in really paying attention if you already know what’s going on.

“So. With all due respect~ The main three trig functions are sin, cosine and tangent.” the teacher grabbed a marker and began to write out whatever she spoke.

“And their reciprocals… are as follows… “

'Cosecant.'    “Cosecant.”

'Secant.'   “Secant.”

'Cotangent.'   “And Cotan-“

I froze as I noticed her put down marker with a loud sigh. 'Now she’s staring at me... Great, now everyone’s looking.'

“Mr. Uchiha! Would you like to teach the class???”

'No way in hell she could have read my mind!'

I blinked a few times. "Uh.. No, not really. Why?"

Ever so dramatically, she placed her hand against her forehead and leaned backward as if she were going to pass out. "Oh~ I just don't feel like teaching today... teachers get tired too you know! Being the prodigy that you are, you probably already know today's lesson. So, why don't you come up here and show everyone how it's done~ hm?"

My knuckles twitched and a sweatdropped came to my face. 'Was this woman serious?'

"Ne~ Sasuke-kun! Ganbatte~!" Ino cheered me on from her seat. Sakura winked at me and I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and retaining composure.

"No thanks.. I'd rather listen to your beautiful voice and let you teach it. My method of teaching may not be sufficient enough to help everyone reach the standard level of understanding that is required and surpassed by you, Miss Moon." 

In other words, tell a woman what she wants to hear. Not to mention that I don't care to teach everyone what I know, so I would naturally suck at being a teacher.

I opened my eyes to see different expressions on their faces. Miss Moon was blinking with a profound blush on her cheeks which she quickly fanned away with her hand. “Okay! So! Getting back to the lesson! Since cosine and secant are reciprocals... When we graph, the procedures will be different...“ 

Snickering noises came from beside me and I glanced over to see Shikamaru holding in a laugh. I smirked and pretended to pay attention again, until I noticed that something was missing.

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