The Start Of A New Revolution

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The story is read as if YOU are the main character, named Kyle
All day, you stood there, wondering why the sky was red, it never was like that, it would usually be blue. But why red? Why not pink, green, or yellow? Any other color would've be better. There was just something in that colored sky, that you saw today (which usually never happened) that didn't seem right. You slowly walked home, asking yourself so many questions, which none could be answered. Layed on the couch, you turned the TV on and started watching the news. As you were about to fall asleep, a loud noise woke you up. The television was still on, and an important message came through, after that alarm that made you jumpscare. "Hello, I'm here to talk to all citizens of planet Earth" Said the president. "After a numerous amount of deaths, murders and people going insane, we will close all borders. No one shall leave nor enter this continent. It has been put into quarantine. Thank you all for listening, further details will come later in the week". You couldn't believe what you had heard, even if you were half asleep, you still understood every single word he had just said. "Why?" You asked yourself. "Why have we been put into quarantine? It didn't make any sense".
Two weeks later, as you woke up, you heard all sorts of stuff. You picked up your sweater, you opened the door and horror filled your eyes. Everything, it was all red, houses were being burnt down and huge amounts of people walked the streets with signs all saying "Let Us Be Free". You didn't go outside for like a week so you didn't know this had all happened. As you looked around, you understood that those news two weeks ago weren't just a random dream, it had cut on to many people revolutionizing. Why so soon, couldn't they have waited to know why we were quarantined? And it hit you. You soon understood, it all made sense now, the color of the sky that day, made people become crazy (that's my theory) and as the news broke down about two weeks ago, they all went psycho. You knew that soon, countries around America would become hell holes with people running around and trying to kill eachother. But did the government already know about this? Anyways, You took a moment, while your town was burning, to think about something. Why weren't you turning all bananas? Well the color red was actually your favorite color, but only because you liked blood. You soon remembered the day, maybe in 5th grade, when it was dripping down your hand, as you looked at it with interest and actually tasted it. You liked it...
You texted a few friends and looked over the internet for more information on the quarantine. After about an hour, you finally recieved a text from your mom. "Come quick, they've entered our house, we don't know why but they're looking for us". Quick before you could even think, the word "help" triggered something in you and you started running as fast as you could. Finally there, you saw a group heading in the opposite direction, but you didnt bother care. Once inside, it was all silent, felt like no one was here, or was ever here. You walked through the broken door only to find both your parents, covered in blood. Their own blood. You kneeled down to your father, who he was about die. "Dad?" You said, as tears were slowly falling down your face. "Are you okay? What happened?" You said with a crying voice. "They attacked us, we both got stabbed, your mother... Couldnt make it, neither will I". "Don't you say that dad! Stay with me! Don't you go!" You screamed as you were trying to find something to cover his wound. "The government is corrupt, they've quarantined the zone because they couldn't handle all the murders and suicides" He said. As your father coughed his last breath, he finally said "Kyle, you can do this.. Go look downstairs, there'll be all the equipment you'll need". "The equipment I'll need it for what?". "To take revenge, upon them who have ruined this country, upon the government". Those words echoed in your head, as you saw the life of your father extinguish itself in your arms. You cried, as the rage summoned upon your mind. Your eyes turned all black, but you didn't know.
As you walked down the stairs to the basement, you weren't thinking about anything, except the fact that you wanted to destroy all those who hurt your family. You were searching for some secret door, you pushed some book and it clicked. You pulled out the key that your father gave you at your 6th birthday, you always had it around you in case it was of help, and you opened the door. It was a little room, filled with guns, knifes, bullet proof vests and many other things. How had you never known about this. At the very end of the room, there was a box, in that box was a suit. A suit and a mask which had a ticket attached to it. It said "One day Kyle, you'll find this suit. It has been made in advance. Just for you. If ever a time like this would come, you'd need this, that's why it was made. You'll become an assassin my young boy. It runs in the family's blood, and you shall continue our legacy".

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