Apocalypse X Portal

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*Kyle's POV*
Both wanted me to open it, since I was the one who initially wanted to come here. I closed my eyes and took a few breaths. I put my hand on the door and slowly opened it... My eye were now open, but what I saw kind of deceived me. Standing in front of me was a big hexagon shaped room; in the middle there was a weird machine but I couldn't figure out what purpose it held. In the back was a window for people to watch, as if this was some testing room, but why was it named AXP? "I found something!" Oliver screamed. "Look this is the plan of the machine" He added. I ran to Oliver and looked at what he found; he couldn't read it since it used complicated French words. "What's it say?" Asked Blake. "I'll read it to you... It basically says: The Apocalypse X Portal instructions, first power the machine, then pull the lever to activate. This machine is used to travel through a different dimension, errors may occur, do not enter if sick, hurt or pregnant". "Wait so this thing is a portal?! Awesome!" Said Blake, so happy. "Don't move! Drop your weapons now!" Said a guard at the other side of the room. He was pointing a pistol at us, we made it look like we were about to put down our weapons but we all actually just took out a gun ourselves and pointed at him. "You're outnumbered, we can spare your life if you just get out of here" Said Blake. "You sure about that? Because I know some things about this machine, I know how to properly open it" Answered the guard. "Oh... Then tell us everything you know or you'll die!" Blake added. "Okay okay, look these instructions are fake, if you would of tried them, the machine would turn on it's auto-destruction mode. I can power the machine the right way, but I don't think you want to go in there" Said the Guard. "Why not?" Blake asked. "Do you even know why this Apocalypse started in the first place? We opened the portal, but as soon as we did, a red substance took over the base and made it's way in the sky, that's why it was red that day. It made everyone in the world become psychotic except those who didn't see it or weren't affected. Some families were immune to this stuff but we never knew why. You know the monster your friend encountered? Yeah I opened the portal when you guys got locked up, the creature came out and killed everyone".
*Blake's POV*
After that long explanation, Kyle became red of anger. "So it's your fault my parents died!" Screamed Kyle. He ran towards the guard but we stopped him before he could pull his trigger. "Kyle think! This guy just works for them! And we need him to get to the other side!" Said Blake. "You honestly think you'll survive in there?" Said the guard. "Shut up, we know what we're doing just open the portal" Responded Oliver. "But you don't know who you're up against, do you?". After he said that, the creature broke the hallway door and came flying at us. "Open the Damm portal!" Screamed Blake. The guard ran to the control room, Oliver closed the door and tried to keep it closed as the monster was pushing harder and harder against it. Suddenly, a shockwave of piercing sound flew across the room and a green, blue and violet light made an oval shape, opening the portal. We were all there covering our ears wondering what had happened, and the majestic portal showed in front of us. "It's so... Beautiful" Said Kyle. "Just jump already!" I screamed. "I have to close the portal go in fast!" Said the guard with the intercom. "Oliver! Come on we need to go!" I said. He stopped blocking the door and ran towards me. I pushed Kyle in since he wasn't moving and just admiring the portal. I jumped and while I did that, I looked behind me and the portal was closing. I saw Oliver starting to jump but I blacked out before seeing if he made it.
I know this chapter is shorter than normal but I wanted to keep the suspense for:
- where are we know?
- did Oliver make it to the other side?
- what will happen next?
- did we die? (Of course not, silly you;P)
And yeah next chapter i'll try to post it as soon as I can :) #roadto500reads

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