The Story of Blake Meagher

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*Kyle's POV*
"Blake, wake up, we need to get you to the base" I said. He slowly opened his eyes, I was kneeled down next to him. He tried to get up, but it hurt too much, he screamed in pain as I looked down to the ground, helpless to do anything. I took my vest off and gave it to Blake, I tried to lift him up and carry him, but he was too heavy. I sat there for days and nights, in the burning sun and raging cold, for Blake to wake up, the least I could do for him was stay by his side. After about six days of Blake's "coma", he finally got up, he had trouble so I helped him. "C'mon lets go Kyle, you must be hungry, I don't want to keep you waiting" He said as he had trouble speaking. And so I helped him walk with his arm around my neck for support, we both had bags but mine was more heavy, since he had some physical and mental problems right now. We arrived an hour after, the base was closer than that but we took longer to get there. I gently layed him on the bed, he told me where the food was hidden, so I could go eat. I brought back a few fruits for Blake, he needed to eat too. While he was resting, I took a look around the base, it was really big, there was a lot of food and a lot of weapons. I don't know why, but the guy who built this really made sure of every detail, every lock and that every slight opening to be closed. The base was hidden underground, to get there you had to go to a specified place in a corn field and at that very place, there was a lever painted like a corn, it opened a trap to a ladder that eventually led to the base. Blake told me where to go, otherwise I would of never guessed.
*Blake's POV*
I woke up, I felt the intense pain all over my body, I had no shirt on, it was too hot. "Blake? You awake?" Asked Kyle. "Yup, still hurts like shit, but I'll be alright" I answered. "Looks like he attacked you pretty hard, so hard you still feel the pain and it's been a week!". "Yeah well... I hope it'll cease soon". We had that awkward silence and finally Kyle continued with "I'm going outside Blake, I'll be back tonight". "Okay, be safe, I'll stay here a bit, here I'll write you the coordinates on where the lever of the base is, use a map" I said. I wrote down everything he needed to know and he left. I wonder where he was going to go, hoping he wouldn't bail on me, but he's smart, he'll probably go get us some kind of provision, even if we don't really need any. I stayed there sitting on the bed, wondering what the mark he put on my body was. But I had more things to worry about, why were the Four Knights Of Hell here? Who is he and why did he bring them back. I knew know that magic existed, which means maybe vampires, werewolves and reapers existed. That blew my mind for a bit, I wonder if Kyle was thinking about that too.
*Kyle's POV*
I finally came back from where I had gone, I followed Blake's precise instructions and entered the camp. He wasn't layed in bed anymore, I looked around and found him at the dining table (yes this base had a dining room), looking into oblivion. "Blake... You alright? You don't look so good" I said. He looked down as tears streamed down his face, he looked deeply depressed. "Did something happen... before this all started?" I added. "I've never had any parents. When I was two years old, they left me in an adoption shelter. I spent the rest of my childhood years there, no one wanted to adopt me. They finally sent me in the Military, because they knew I couldn't go anywhere else, I was still so young, yet they lied about my age to get rid of me. When Luke died, I quit the Army and came here to build this base. It took me 2 years to get all the mechanics right. I lived alone, always, so I never actually felt hapiness until you came into my life, you're my only true friend". I took Blake's arm, and he understood he had to get up, I gave him a hug, the longest I had ever given. "It's gonna be alright Blake, I'll always be here for you". He smiled and left the room, afterwards I ate a few things and then went to bed. I didn't know Blake was sensitive, but that was good, I knew he had an honest and golden heart.
Hey guys, so I know not a lot of things happened in this chapter, I just needed it to explain so that in the future I wouldn't have to explain it again. The next chapter will probably be tomorrow or after tomorrow (depends on if I have time) and 150 reads!!! Omegod thank you!!

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