A Whole New World

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*Blake's POV*
"Where am I..." I thought to myself. I was just falling into oblivion constantly, I tried screaming or even saying something but nothing came out of my mouth. On my way down I didn't see anything but black all around me, I had this weird emptiness vibe in my body. Not like I was hungry but like if something was missing.
I woke up from that weird dream, I felt intensely tired as if I had spent a week without sleeping, I turned around to see Kyle holding his leg in pain, I couldn't see Oliver anywhere around me. I tried to get up and help Kyle but I couldn't, my body was so weak. The only thing I could do was turn my head one way or another. I was in this weird jungle, it had this fresh humid smell and everything was green. I went right back to sleep.
*Kyle's POV*
I opened my eyes, my leg hurt like hell and I had no idea where I was. I was just laying there in a wooden house, on a bed. Next to me was Blake, Oliver wasn't there. Last thing I remember was seeing that beautiful portal. When I saw it, it put me in this kind of transe and I couldn't move. "I see you're awake" Said this man sitting on a chair next to me.
"Don't be alarmed, I won't hurt you" He added to reassure me. "Where are we? And who are you?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure you're new around here, name's Jack, nice to meet ya. We're currently in one of the most dangerous dimensions, people like to call it the Death Row" Answered Jack. "People? So there are more like us in here?". "Yeah the government sent a ton of assassin's in here, they sent us to take over this universe. Unfortunately most of us got killed, it's way too dangerous. I've heard that some monster sent some poisonous spell in your world" He said. "I know everyone's gone crazy, we came here to turn it all around, you happen to know how we could?" I asked. "Actually I do, in this dimension just like yours, there's royalty too. Of course they aren't as nice but you understand where I'm going. I believe the king wants to take over Earth, you're going to need to kill him" He answered. Blake woke up, he looked around him, then at the man and gave him a weird look. He jumped out of bed and got on his defensive position. "Don't worry Blake, he's of no harm to us" I said. "I found you in the forest, I brang you back here to keep you safe" Said Jack. "There were only the two of us? No one else?" Asked Blake. "Yeah..". "Fuck! Kyle you know what this means right? Oliver didn't make it through!" Blake said to me. "Oh shit, means maybe he's dead right now..." I said.

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