The Shadow Creature

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*Blake's POV*
Blood, it was everywhere. On the walls, the ceiling, doorknobs and air vents. The hallway was filled with corpses and and unattached body parts. They all seemed fresh like if it all just happened a second ago. The blood was still dripping as a body was stuck to the ceiling, it took more effect since all the walls were extremely white. Kyle looked stunned as Oliver seemed disgusted, he looked away for a moment because it made him sick. I just... My brain didn't quite understand what was going... Who could of done this? And in such a filthy way. Why were the guards we encountered before not dead and how did they not know about it. The person or... thing that did this maybe never reached them, that was probably it and the information never got transmitted since everyone got killed. We couldn't waste time, we had to go. "No time to waste guys, we need to get...". "How are you so cold? Can't we like talk about this for a moment? You can't just tell me this is normal" Said Kyle as he interrupted me. "What did you except? This isn't a game Kyle, what did you think you signed in for when you wanted to come here?" I said. Oliver looked away, he didn't really want to get in to this. "Fine. Let's go" Kyle said firmly. We walked through the hallway, trying not to step on anything too disgusting, we wiped our shoes at the end since they were soaked in blood. "This corridor separates itself in three different paths, oh well what a coincidence, we're three. If everyone's really dead we should not encounter anyone, except the thing that killed everyone of course" I said. "Didn't you say a few moments ago that we shouldn't get separated?" Oliver asked. "We'll probably get more ressources and information this way, otherwise we wouldn't have the time to explore the whole base" I answered. Kyle didn't speak, he was still a bit mad at me for what I said.
*Kyle's POV*
Blake was starting to annoy me with his logic and leadership. I guess sometimes I agreed with his ideas, but sometimes they were just crazy. My path didn't lead anywhere special, just a bedroom with multiple military beds, not comfortable at all but I layed down on them, I tried to sleep a little. I got back up after and continued, I know I needed to because otherwise I'd keep them waiting. On my way I passed by some dismembered bodies, I was starting to get use to it considering the amount there were. I entered the kitchen, and I suddenly heard a bang somewhere. I tried to make as less sound as possible since every one of my footsteps echoed in the room, I reached the cabinet from which it was coming from, and I opened it. "Oh shit!" I screamed. A rat came out as I backed up and tripped. "You stupid rat" I said in anger. I got up and took all the food that was still good and quickly made my way out of there. I reached the AXP room door, I didn't go in yet, I had to wait for Blake and Oliver. After half an hour I knew something went wrong, I could go look after either of them, but after a moment of looking at Blake's entrance, I entered Oliver's. I walked just a bit and I heard a scream.
*Oliver's POV* (*Before the scream happened*)
I didn't think getting separated was a good idea. Something was circulating through these halls and like Blake said, we don't have a lot of weapons. From all I know, the only thing that'll serve me any good are my legs for running! I weirdly had a bad feeling, I did in fact have a 1/3 chance to encounter the creature, which didn't make me less worried. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned my head and nothing. I continued and after a moment, same thing, but still nothing. I really felt like I was being followed, maybe my mind was just making it up because I was afraid of getting killed. I turned the corner and... Bodies everywhere. I had a real intense Déja-vu right there, it looked almost the same as the other one but It wasn't. Still as disgusting, I walked by them. I continued on and something made me stop, a voice whispered in my ear. "So... Do you like my work?". I froze, was he behind me? My life flashed before my eyes as I thought of all the great moments I had lived. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be all over, when nothing actually happened. My head again? I turned around and... I screamed as loud as I ever had in my life, I started running as fast as I could to escape the creature. It's picture was stuck in my head, it had green eyes, no nose nor any mouth, ears or face! It looked just like a shadow with two eyes, but way more creepy and frightening. I looked back and it was running after me... Well by running I mean.. Ya know floating in the air since it had no legs! I tripped and fell to the floor, he ran towards me and right before he could reach me, Kyle pulled me out of the hallway and closed the door. The creature banged on the door constantly and stopped. We both stacked furniture in case he'd brake through the door. Blake arrived really soon later with a three big bags. "Hey what's going on here? I heard a scream and someone banging on a door, someone care to explain?" Blake asked. "Oliver encountered the creature, he's locked up on the other side of this door" I answered."Oh... Well I'm glad you're okay, anyways I luckily found the storage room and I brought one bag of food and two whole bags of weapons! I'm telling you there's everything, from a dagger to a sword to an AK-47!" Said Blake, so happy by what he had found. "Really? We should give most of the guns to Oliver, he's good with guns. We'll take most of the swords and daggers since we're used to it. We'll still have to take some guns in case we're not in range of our targets" I said. "Can we get going guys? I kinda want to get out of here" Said Oliver with a worried voice. We laughed and separated the food and weapons equally. We now just had to open the AXP door. What was on the other side?

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