Not All Dreams Have Silver Linings

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Hey guys, sorry I havent posted in a while, I was kinda out of ideas (even if I know where this will all lead in the end (which isnt soon)) and I had a few exams so I needed to study too, but now I'm back with this great new idea and I hope you'll like it :) (looking forward to 300reads:))
*Blake's POV*
Urghh... Where is he? I couldn't find him, we just had an accident on the side of the road, when I woke up from being unconscious, Kyle disappeared. The car had crashed down, it probably wasn't working anymore, if I remember we were only 20 miles from the base, we could of arrived but one of the tires exploded as if something hit it real hard. I don't understand Kyle would of probably stayed at my side while I was asleep, where could he have gone? There was a forest next to us so I guess maybe he went to see if anyone lived in the woods, that's probably what I would've done. I hope he didn't get in trouble though. I entered the forest, reminded me of the first one I went trough, bad memories. A bee passed by me, it scared the hell out of me, just a little bee Blake, don't overreact. There were so many insects, it annoyed me. I ran and ran looking for Kyle, never found him, guess maybe... I really had no idea. I went back to the car, I sat down and I felt dizzy, my head hurt, and I blacked out.
*Kyle's POV*
I was deeply sleeping, as I heard a song waking me up, I opened my eyes and... I was in my room, in my apartment. My phone had an alarm for each day of the week to wake me up for work. It was about half past nine in the morning, was this apocalypse thing all just a dream? It seemed too long to be, I ran to the door, opened it and... Nothing was burnt down. People walking normally in the streets, few cars passing by, what?! I didn't understand but... I guess it was a dream all along? And so I went to work, with my bike, there I just got to McDonald's (I had school but this week was a week off) and at the end of the day well, I went to sleep and another day started. I woke up earlier, my mind still wasn't in place. I took out my laptop, and looked up "Blake Meagher". It only got me to Facebook profiles (which didn't correspond to him) and a story on Wattpad called "The Death Among Us", I had no idea what that was, didn't really care. I looked up even more, but nothing. He probably didn't use a lot of internet since all his life he was an orphan, and he spent his time building his secret camp. I took a day off from work, to look him up a little more. I stopped for an hour, to go visit my grandpa, he died when I was really young, so every week I went to go visit him. As I entered the funeral home, I walked by a few people's memory boxes (the people that got cremated), just looking around, and I saw this name... It read "Kalie Valkia", the name told me something so I took a closer look. It then said this "We wish you'll rest in peace, may the gods be on your side, Kalie Valkia and Blake Meagher, who both died in a car accident". My eyes were tearing down, dead ? How was Blake dead?! I met him in my dream... He looked exactly like in the picture... I fell to my knees and cried for a moment, he couldn't be dead, and who's the woman? His mom? But why was he with his mom, his parents left him all alone his whole life, why would they come back now. Questions filled my head, I stopped crying, since I didn't understand the situation. Maybe the apocalypse prevented his death? Making his mom never visit him, and he never dying. But just face it, he's dead now... If only I could go back to my dream... Meet him once more.
*Blake's POV*
I was in a white room. I got up from the chair and I saw my parents, tears fell down my face, I didn't understand where I was... Or what was happening. "Just come to us, son" They both said, in unison. "Where am I? And where's Kyle?" I asked. "Just come, it'll be all better if you just come with us" They added. "No! Where's Kyle?! This isn't real! It can't be real you both are dead!" I screamed. My parents stared running towards me as I ran the other way. After a while of running, I fell down this void, and so, I woke up. On the ground in the middle of the forest, my neck hurt, I touched it to see what was wrong, I got sting. I guess, theoretically, the bee that passed by me, bit me, and it made me dream about some weird things. And the only way to wake up from it, was realizing it's a dream. So that maybe means Kyle still hasn't figured that out yet, I needed to find him.
*Kyle's POV*
It still bothered me, he couldnt be dead, just impossible. I looked on the internet a thousand times about the same subject, Blake's accident. It said a drunk driver caused the accident, he on the other side, was still alive. So I researched him every way I could until I finally found him. I took my bike and went to his house, I had questions to ask him. I rang at his door, at first I couldn't see the person who opened, but when he turned at me, it was horrifying. He had a completely deformed face, some part lizard skin, some part fur. It was a mixup that scared the hell out of me. I fell back and I backed up from the guy. I suddenly heard Blake's voice "Kyle wake up, Kyle wake up please". The lizard man started approaching me, a loud screaming noise filled my ears, I couldn't move. Terrified of what would happen, I just stayed there, closed my eyes and begged myself to wake up. When it all stopped, I opened my eyes, I saw Blake and I hugged him immediately. "I'm glad you're back" He said. "I'm glad too".
We both got back to the road, he explained to me why I had all these illusions, we both talked about our weird dreams as we laughed, walking in the sunset. Today wasn't the best day, but when it finally came to the end, we both were just glad we were alright.
So when I finished the chapter, I took a look at my reads, and 300! Omigod :DD
Kinda funny cozz ^ up there I said "looking forward to 300" and we got there:)

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