The Day When No Mercy Was Given

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*Kyle's POV*
Should I... Can I actually take the life of an other? Since I was a child, I always wanted to become an assassin. It once came to a day where I changed for the Army. To kill people, in my mind it looked so easy, but now that I have to, do I have the courage to? My parents raised me incredibly well, I was still always different from all the other kids. I was in a way, cold blooded. No one really knew because I never showed that side of me. Even if it was useful sometimes... I guess.. I have to get going, but there's one problem. Where do I go? what should I do? and ... Who do I have to kill. All those questions who just didnt have a straight answer. I guess I'll start by finding other people who maybe have an idea of where the government is hiding. As I packed up my stuff, put on my mask, charged all my guns and sharpened my daggers, I looked at myself in the mirror. And for some reason, my frightening appearance made me some way satisfied.
As I roof jumped from house to house (because I had to be discreet), I didnt find anything useful, there seemed to be no one around all as if they were all gone. I could only hear the fire burning every three and house around our neighbourhood. Suddenly, I stopped jumping, as I saw a group of young teens, with masks and knives. I just stood there frozen, not knowing what to do as they entered the house I was on top of. "You two, search the basement, Alex take the middle floor and Carrie the top one. I'll go scout on the roof to see if anyone's coming". Said one of the teens. Wait what?! Someone's coming on the roof?! Oh shit I'm screwed.
*Narrator's POV*
As you were hearing him coming up the stairs, you hid behind the chimney, which was surprisingly big enough for him not to see you. Once he was on the roof, you were scared as hell, not knowing what to do, you just waited for him to go back down to the top floor. Unfortunately that's not what he did, he took a few steps until he was at the edge of the house. You knew, you knew you could just push him off, but you were scared that he would survive the fall. You didn't know if he was going to see you and you couldnt make up a plan on the spot. You got up and he was still looking the other way, not knowing of your existence. Then, you remembered something, later on the day, as you were running to your parents house, you saw a group of guys running from the opposite direction from yours, and that guy was one of the members from that group. You didn't react at that time, but now you knew, this guy killed both your parents. You stopped breathing as rage filled your mind, and suddenly, your eyes turned black, again. You approached, without him knowing, pulled out your dagger and in an instant, he was lying on the floor, his throat cut perfectly clean, all while no sound had been made. You went down to the top floor and threw a knife right in Carrie's head and continued on. As you were running down the stairs, you saw Alex who called backup as he saw you. Both men in the basement came back up and a 3vs1 was about to go down. You ran towards them and so did they, you punched one in the genitals and finished him off with a roundhouse kick in the face, which broke his neck, all as Alex passed a knife above you when you luckily ducked like in the Matrix. You broke his knee with a single hit and pushed him on the other guy as they both fell down to the floor. You pulled out your two guns and right before you could hit the trigger..."Wait! Please... Spare us and we'll never bother you again". You normally, maybe would've accepted, but it wasn't you that was controlling your own body. You took your mask off, put up a devilish smile, and pulled both triggers. As all men were dead, you regained consciousness.
*Kyle's POV*
Ahh.. My head hurts, what... happened? Is everybody... Dead? Did I kill them? I dont know the last thing I remember was getting up from the chimney and then I went unconscious. Right before I blacked out, I felt this weird vibe... Like if someone took over my mind and body. I better just get going, it's getting late and night time isn't my favorite part of the day. I packed up all my stuff and started walking in a random direction, since I had no clue where I had to go next. I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened, maybe it would be better if I just tried to forget about it... I camped at an old abandoned house, made sure it was empty and I locked myself in one room to be sure I'd be safe. I needed sleep, I was really tired.

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