The Crossroad's Knights Of Hell

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Hey guys, so I know this isnt the most popular story ever, but I just wanted to say that we're almost at 100reads! (Which is alot for me, I know, I know) And I'll be posting every 2 days so the next chapter will come in one or two days. :)
*Narrator's POV*
On the road there, neither of you spoke, you didn't know what to say. After about a mile, you decided to break the silence. "So... You're still alive and kickin'. Why? You must have purpose" You said. "Yeah well actually, I'm currently really just trying to find a way to get the hell out of this country" Blake responded. "What about you?" He added. You didn't know if you should actually tell him. You did make a pact, you had no reason not to trust him. "To tell you the truth, I'm looking for the government. Rumours say they closed the country because they wanted destruction". "That theory came to me, but why, things don't seem to fall in part so easily, maybe there's something bigger behind all of this" He said. "Like... What?" You hesitated, did you really want to know? "I'm not sure, it's only been like 2 two weeks since it had all begun" He answered. You nodded and continued on your way, it had been four more miles, you didn't feel tired, just hungry. The sun slowly started fading away in the horizon, night time came an hour after. It was really dark, how did Blake actually know where he was heading? And then, he stopped at an intersection, you could also call it a crossroad. "Blake?" You asked. "Something isn't right, we're not alone". He said. "What? How many?" You whispered back to him. "No need to whisper, they definitely know we're here, about eight. I heard their footsteps". Suddenly, all intersection lights lit up, which made you two the center of the spotlight. Eight masked assassins came out of the shadows, all wearing the same black uniform, not the same weapons though. "Interesting" said one of them. "I see you knew we were here, you weren't sure until the sun was down, oh well, too bad. That made everything easier for us". He added. "What?! Blake you knew? Why didn't you tell me?" You screamed. "Well I wasn't sure, I didn't want you to worry too much" He answered.
*Kyle's POV*
I couldn't believe it, we were being followed this hole time, and Blake even knew about it! As fast as I could, I took out my daggers, Blake did the same. It didn't seem to scare them, they had their weapons already out. The first one had a black sword, the second one had daggers that could extend with chains attached to them, looked efficient but hard to use. The third and fourth had throwing knives, fifth and sixth had Reaper Scythes and the last two had assassin blades. "By the weapons you're carrying, I can see you're experienced" Said Blake. "I still dont think you're any match for us" He added. "Hahahaha, I wouldn't be sure about that, my dear old friend".
*Blake's POV*
"Old friend? What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Don't you recognize me? Ohh I'm so disappointed in you, it's me, Luke". My eyes widened as all the memories came back. I couldn't believe it. How? Wasn't he dead? I could be sure, he died in my own arms! "I know you must be wondering? How did I come back from the dead" Luke said. "You know him Blake?" Kyle asked. "Yeah I do, a long time ago, I was in the military, we were on the battlefield when Luke got shot close to the heart. He couldn't make it and died in my very arms, he was one of my bestest friends, now I have to fight him". "Oh well how sad, can we move on to my story now?" Luke said. I looked back at Kyle and he looked at me. I think be both thought about the same thing, he's cold and heartless. "Very well then, I died a long time ago, that's true, but now that the Revolution has started, he brang me back, as one of the Knights of Hell". "That's impossible, there are only four Knights Of Hell and you guys are eight" I responded. "Looks like smart Blake is back, I'm definitely not powerful enough to be a Knight, but fused with one of my brothers here, each paired we'll form four Knights Of Hell" Luke answered. "I'll never let you fuse then!" I screamed. "You're too late". As I ran towards Luke, a giant wall of black magic surrounded the intersection, not letting us stop it. After just five minutes, it was time, the Knights have risen. "I know you expected a fight, dear old friend, but we'll have to go, we'll meet later in the future" Said a malicious voice, Luke's voice. The four of them rose in the air "Here's a little gift to remind you of my existence" Luke added. He pointed his finger at me, and my chest started burning, I took of my shirt and a symbol started drawing itself on my skin. I fell down to the ground, I couldn't stand the pain, Luke and the other Knights flew away in laughter.

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