A Sea Of Wolf Blood

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*Blake's POV*
I awakened, everything felt so... nice. My body didn't hurt anymore, I wasn't sleepy either, everything was just perfect. I took a breath through my nose and out trough my mouth, the air was cool, felt like I was in heaven. "Blake! I made you breakfast!" Kyle said. I got up, put my clothes on and joined Kyle at the dining table. "Hey good morning" He said with a bright smile on his face. "Good morning" I answered. He brang me a plate of pancakes along with some fruits and syrup. Maybe the best morning ever, like really this had never happened in my life, and in the inside, there's no way I could smile brighter. "So Kyle, where'd you go yesterday?" I asked. "I actually went to the library, I know, it's weird but I went to go get some information on the mark he put on you" He answered. "Did you find what it was?". "Yeah uhm, but it's kinda weird, look I brought these books and they talk about The Knights Of Hell. Says here they once revolted against their masters and helped other people instead of terrorizing everyone. Myths say they maybe had good powers to help citizens, if you were infected by a good or bad spell, a sign would draw itself on your body, the pain depended on if the spell was powerful or not" Kyle said. "So either I got a powerful good spell, which is probably not the case, or I got cursed by a super bad spell" I corresponded. "Actually... I found the sign you have in the book, and it's an anti-possesson spell". "Why would he do that?" I asked. "I really don't know... maybe he still had a little good part left in him" He answered. "Let's just forget about all of this, I have good news, I have a lead on where the government could be. They probably know everything about what's happening, I'm sure" I said. "Really?? We should get going right away, we don't have anytime to waste" Said Kyle. "True, I found out on a website where they're located, believe it or not, wi-fi was on for like 5 minutes. Anyways they move their location every 6 months, so we have that amount of time to get to them".
*Kyle's POV*
Blake explained to me everything I needed to know. He has a theory that every six months, the wi-fi got accessible for 5 minutes so that other bases in the world could see where they had to move to. Luckily he was searching for wi-fi at that very moment. "Kyle, pack up we need to get moving" Said Blake. We packed our bags with food, weapons and books, we also each had a sleeping bag for the night. We hit the road at noon, but there was a problem. The government base was about 86 miles from here, so we needed to find a vehicule, which was the hardest part of this trip. And so from a corn field, we entered an 11 mile forest, obviously there was no vehicule in there so we had to walk.  I walked at a fast rate, Blake seemed to be okay with it so I didn't stop.
Half way trough, it was about 9 o-clock, we stopped to eat and rest. We put down our sleeping bags and put ourselves to sleep. Blake seemed completely asleep, I guess he was tired, I couldn't, I was worrying too much, about everything. A few hours later, I heard a wolf howl, and then a few more, the sounds were coming from every direction, were we...surrounded? "Blake wake up" I said whispering in his ear. "What? It's like eleven why are you waking me up?" He answered. And then they howled again, Blake got up quickly and looked around him. "Forty-five" He said. I quickly understood what he meant. We both took out our daggers, red eyes started popping out of the dark, and all the wolves advanced slowly towards us. "No brutal movements, wait for my signal" whispered Blake. They were about 2 meters from us, as they growled in hunger.
*Blake's POV*
They approached even more, me and Kyle backed up, back on back, we were ready for it all to happen. I twitched my arm, touching Kyle's and he knew. As I did, one of them jumped towards him, he skipped the wolf's jaw, grabbed him by the fur of his neck and slit his throat. I roundhouse kicked one in the face and threw a dagger at one that was about to bite Kyle. I killed twelve more and Kyle ten, the fight continued on as we murdered more and more of these wolves, we didn't really like to kill animals, but they kept coming, so we had to stand strong and fight*. We moved further from our original spot because there were a lot of... you know... Anyways, we both went to sleep right away, that fight may have not seemed long but it made us tired.
The next day, we woke up, packed up and continued our way.
*Apologies to all wolf lovers

And OMAWGOD 200 Reads!! Yayyy thank you :)

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