Prison Break

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*Blake's POV*
When we finally arrived it was about mid-morning, we ran all night for about 20 miles because we wanted to get there fast, we were really exhausted. We both sat down close to a tree, looking in the horizon, the base looked highly secured, it was going to be hard to get in. "Look's like this is it" I said. "Yup, we're finally here, I just wonder what they're hiding from us" Said Kyle. "Me too... Anyways I'd say we're about half a mile from the base, it won't take long to get there. We should wait about an hour to rest" I added. Kyle nodded, I took out the food and we started eating, I was really hungry. I took that hour to analyze the situation, which guard was where, if there were any snipers, which entrance was better... Plans were forming in my head but there was always something blocking it. One of the main problems was the entourage of the camp, it was a full desert, maybe a few cactuses, no animals, a few rocks too. We had nowhere to hide if we approached the base, which made everything harder since about 4 snipers were aimed down. There were also eight guards, two for each entrance. I finally made up a suicide plan, very risky but we had no choice but to go with it. "Kyle get up, it's been an hour let's get moving" I said. He got up and I explained to him every detail. "You know we'll have to be lucky to actually pull this off right?" He asked. "Yeah but we have no choice, it's the only way" I answered. "I guess I'll have to trust you, let's go". We both sneeked all the way to a big rock, there we got down to the ground and crawled our way closer. An alarm started ringing, they saw us. We got up and ran to another big rock where they started shooting at us. We took out our guns and shot back at them, I got about 2 snipers with a single pistol, but I still used seven bullets. Kyle ran towards the guards with a death machine gun and killed them all. It all sounded like a crazy warfare, a sniper shot Kyle in the leg and as he did that, he and the other sniper got blasted through the head, one by one. Looks like someone was helping us, but who?
*Kyle's POV*
My leg hurt, I couldn't move a single part of it, it started bleeding like crazy. As I saw Blake running towards me, my vision became more and more blurry, I was slowly losing consciousness but before I did, I saw another guy running to my help... I woke up, I tried moving but my leg still hurt, I just tilted my head upwards to see where I was. I was in a prison cell, next to me was Blake and a random guy... Who was he? "I see you're awake, Hi my name is Oliver" Said the stranger. "Hi...? Wait are you the one who killed the two snipers?" I asked. "Yeah it's me, I'm sorry I should of shot first, otherwise you wouldn't have this injury" He answered. "It's alright, you still saved us from a lot of trouble, Thank you. But still, we killed everyone, why are we locked up in here?". "While we were running to your help, the alarm was still ringing so the guards eventually found us, we didn't want to fight since you were injured" Answered Blake. I nodded and went right back to sleep, I was incredibly tired. I awakened again, both were inspecting the cell, probably to find a way out. "... You guys have anything useful in your pockets ?" I asked. "Nah they took everything when they put us in here. Are you okay Kyle? You've been asleep for a good six hours" Answered Blake. "Really? I feel honestly fine, still hurts but I do". I got up, relieved from the pain, I took a look aroud the cell with them. There's an air-conductor, maybe we could break it and get out through there. "Hey guys, what if we break this, maybe there's a way out" I said. "There are locks, we can't" Said Oliver. "Or can we?". My bandage had pins to keep it together, so I took them off and started trying to lockpick them. Blake helped me and after a few minutes, we got it. The passage wasn't big so we had to crawl in there. We crawled for about a five minutes and we finally had to discover the fact that the way leaded nowhere. We had to go back and now we were really hopeless. "So what do we do now?" Asked Oliver. "I have another plan... Risky like the other one" Said Blake. "Yeah now we can see how that turned out!" I answered. "Just trust me, look when the guard will come give us food, someone needs to act like he's hurt. Then he'll open the cell and we'll have to kock him unconscious" Blake added. "Looks good to me, we should try it at least" Oliver said. I thought about it for a moment, and I agreed. So we waited for the guard to come, and he did, surprisingly it worked perfectly. Oliver was on the ground crying for help and the guard just opened the gate to help him, so we knocked him out. "Take his weapons, he has a map of the base, take it too it'll be needed" Blake ordered. "We can't split up, we don't have much to fight with" He added. We took everything he had and closed the cell. There were many things on the map, a testing room, bathrooms, chambers for them to sleep, dining and kitchen rooms, meeting room, exercice room, storage room, working rooms, building rooms and an.... AXP Room? "Guys what's an AXP room?" I asked. "I dont know maybe we should go there first, it looks interesting" Oliver said. So we started walking towards there, and while on our way we encounterded a few guards, we spared their lives, it wasn't worth it. The walls seemed extremely protected, most of them made of Iron. And from the outside you could see the base was giant, surprisingly easy to get in though. "Look guys since the AXP room is on the complete other side of the building we should stop by the storage room for food and weapons" I said. "Yeah okay let's do that" Said Blake. As we walked, we turned a corner when suddenly, we saw something horrible.
Sorry for the wait guys! Next chapter coming soon! (I'll try my best to write it soon) 359 reads!

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