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"So...should we go to the movies...?" I asked awkwardly.


Somehow I had ended up at a sleepover with Marissa (the only one of my good
friends there), Ashley, Connie, Brooke and, the host, Jasmine.

It was only 4 o'clock and no-one knew what to do. I started throwing some ideas out there but no-one seemed to be taking them.

I glanced over at Marissa for some help, she was closer to the other girls than I was.

"Ummm, what about the aquarium?.." Marissa asked.

I didn't bother telling her that I had already said that, the awkward atmosphere could make anyone forget.

We sat there for a few minutes, Jasmine and Connie on their phones and the rest of us just staring at the floor.

This sleepover was a big poop and everyone knew. It took a while but Jasmine soon figured out that people were going to talk badly of her sleepovers after tonight.

"Alright guys, get up, we're going to the movies. And not because Summer suggested, because I want to." Jasmine was like that. No-one pushes her around or tells her to do anything.

We all cramped into Jasmine's expensive car. I felt like it wasn't right. I was going to spill something or trash it somehow by accident so the whole time I say still, not daring to move.

Jasmine, sitting in the front, turned on the radio to some really fast, rap song that I soon found out was quite inappropriate.

Marissa looked over at me and I bit my bottom lip. This was so not the stuff I listened too. She lent in and whispered something in my ear.

"I reckon the girls don't even like this music, they just listen to it because the boys do."

I nodded, that was probably true. These girls would do anything the boys do. They probably have more boy friends then girls and by boy friends I mean talking and flirting with almost every boy in the year.

Jasmine's mum pulled up out the front of the mall and we all jumped out. I think me and Marissa were the only ones that thanked her.

We all started for the theatre which was only about 5 stores down then up a level. The pathway was pretty wide but only 4 people could fit. That bumped Marissa and I behind the others. I felt like the ring-ins, the fall-outs, the D.U.F.Fs. ( sorry guys this is a reference to another book only people who have read it will get it )

We decided- well everyone but Marissa and I- to walk the newest horror movie, Leave.

Marissa is the worst with anything scary. Once she jumped at her own dog's bark. This was officially going to suck for me and Marissa.

Flirting as they passed a group of boys, the girls walked into the cinema leaving us hurrying to buy our popcorn. The seats we bought just let the 6 of us fit into a row which was good, I guess.

The screen fell black after a series of ads and Marissa squeezed my hand in fright. I could hear the tense music ringing in my ears, my pace quickening to over 3x more than normal. This was going to be a wild night.

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