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Ashley walked out of her English class, laughing and chatting with Jas. She looked up and froze in shock. Her face. Everywhere. People started laughing and pointing at her. She watched as people took photos of the papers and others shoved them in their bags.

"Oh. my. god. Ash," Jas gasped, her voice shaking.

The two girls hurried away down the stairs to get away from all the commotion. Ashley was stuck in a daze as Jas lead her through the paper-filled school to their lunch spot.

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"Look!" Aurora pointed out as she sat down with Paige, Marissa and I.

We all turned to look across the oval where 'The Girls' were sitting, huddled around a raging Ashley. The group of popular year tens were sashaying their way over to them.

"Looks like they're about to get 'defriended'" Paige laughed.

The year tens sassed them real good. We could see sassy hand gestures, sassy shouting and most of all, a sassy exit. They snapped their fingers, spun on their heels and model-walked off with a hand on their hip.

Aurora bit her lip and gave me a tight smile, I think she liked seeing the year 10's finally leave 'The Girls' after all that crap they gossiped away to them.

Then, out of no-where, Jas started hurrying across the oval at full-pelt. We all exchanged confused looks as she stopped in front of our group, hands on hips and lips pursed together.

"You think this will stop us?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "Because this is just the start. The start of a war."

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