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During English I took all the notes I could but when it came to watching a documentary, I was totally out. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't focus! Thought swirled in my mind of plans for new attacks on The Girls. Their little year 10 scheme was smart but we could do better. Much better.

I flipped to the back of my book and starting jotting down the plan in the form of drawings. I stared at the sky as I thought of who would be best to target. You know what? I told myself. Let's target all of them.

I drew them all and labeled the whole plan out well. Once everything was done I say back and admired my work. Not bad Summer, not bad at all.

"What is that?" Paige whispered beside me.

"A plan." I whispered back, smiling like a kid in a candy shop. "And it's a good one!"

The documentary in front of us silenced and we looked up to see what was the matter. The teacher, Ms Frem, stood at the front of the class with her hands on her hips.

"Girls." She said viciously. "Are you going to shut up or do I need to send you out in the corridor?!"

"We'll shut up Miss!" Paige quickly snapped.

The documentary played again and I handed Paige my book so she knew what I was talking about.

"Sharing answers now Girls?" Ms Frem boomed.

"Sorry M-"

"CORRIDOR!" She demanded.

I sighed and Paige and I slid out of our seats. I whole class didn't even care. They were all just so bored they were in a daze. We made our way across the room and let ourselves out.

"Ok." I said as soon as the door was shut behind me. "So what do The Girls like most of all?"

"Umm, revenge?" Paige questioned.

"Close." I beamed.



I flipped threw the pages of my book until I can across the right one. Then I explained my whole plan to her which took all the way until period 3. We were ready. We just needed everyone else.

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