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The bell had rung and everyone was in class. Including Aurora. Being late was just taking it too far for her.

Marissa and I ran down the halls, throwing the papers everywhere while Paige hung back, sticking them to walls and bulletin boards.

We eventually finished all the blocks and split up to cover the canteen, bathrooms and eating areas.

"What about the boys bathrooms?" Paige asked after we had all met up again.

We turned around to glance over at the rotten, stinky lavatory and cringed.

"Shot not!" I cried, shortly followed by Paige.

Marissa groaned and Paige and I followed her over, chuckling. We stopped a few metres away, holding our noses and handing Marissa the last of the papers. She took a deep breath and headed in.

We heard gagging and whimpers but only for a few seconds before Marissa ran out, trying to catch her breath.

Paige glanced at the papers in her hands and gave her a confused look.

Marissa shook her head at her, with her eyes bulging. "No. Way."

We all laughed it off and headed to our sitting area to wait for the recess bell to ring. I threw down my bag and sighed.

"Do you reckon we can actually pull this off?" I questioned, plopping myself next to my bag on the grass.

Paige snickered. "Of course, Summer! We wouldn't have thrown seventy-whatever pages of that horrendous photo of Ashley for nothing!" She sassed.

"Seventy Eight." I joked, giggling.


This chapter is kinda boring :( but it is important so #sorrynotsorry . I'm totally in love with Marissa though. She seems like a super fun person to be around! Anyways, I might update again today so that's nice :)

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