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Aurora sat on Marissa's desk chair, spinning around like the weirdo she is.
Paige was somewhere in the closest, gushing at all Marissa's expensive clothes. And I sat on the bed, swiping through my boring af Instagram feed, waiting for Marissa to get back with snacks.

"OMG a Marc Jacobs dress!!!" Paige cried.

I laughed at her excitement over a dress and turned my attention to Aurora who was spinning like a psycho with only 6/8 wheels on the ground. She tumbled over, balancing for a few seconds before hitting the ground, the chair falling on top of her.

I burst out laughing and ran over to help pull the chair off her. She got up and examined the bruise that was already forming in the middle of her right fore-arm. I lifted the chair back up and pushed it under the desk while Aurora frowned and planted her toosh on the floor next to the bed.

"I'm baaaaack!" Marissa called, her mouth full of biscuit.

I licked my lips at the silver platter in her hands. Fruits. Berries. Chocolate biscuits. Paige shot out of the closet, threw the black cocktail dress on the bed and grabbed a handful of strawberries. Marissa placed the platter on the floor and we all sat cross-legged around it, chatting and munching like chipmunks.

"Marissa I still can't believe you have a Marc Jacobs dress!!" Paige gushed.

Marissa's mum is a very successful lawyer so she always buys Marissa all these expensive clothes. The problem is Marissa isn't really a 'dress-y up-y' kind of girl so most of the clothes go unused and it absolutely kills Paige.

"You can try it on if you want," Marissa shrugged.

"I can?!" Paige jumped up, overjoyed with happiness.

Marissa nodded happily, she loved how much Paige was obsessed with fashion and clothes. It only took a few seconds for her to slip on the dress, she's just so eager.

One step out of the closet and I chocked on my grape. She looked gorgeous! Aurora grabbed for her phone and took a quick photo.

"You. Look. Amazing!" She gasped.

Marissa and I nodded furiously in agreement. She blushed and sheepishly asked Aurora for her phone.

"Can you please send this to me?" she asked, pushing her darky brown hair behind her ear and smiling.

Aurora held out her hands and Paige chucked the phone back to her then grabbed her own off Marissa's bedside table.

"Got it," she confirmed and laid down next to me.

I watched her edit the picture as I ate my strawberry. Then all of a sudden she sprung into the air, her face drained of colour.

"Guy's someone's hacked my instagram. And it looks really serious."


OMG this chapter suckssssss. I'm so sorry I feel so bad I don't know whats wrong with my brain tonight it feels like poop :( . I promise the next chapter will be 100% better and 100% drama filled!

P.S. for all you fashion fanatics out there, this is Paige in Marissa's dress :)

 for all you fashion fanatics out there, this is Paige in Marissa's dress :)

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