Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I stood there staring, out in the open. I was at the airport with my luggage at my side and the plane just a few feet away in front of me. I didn’t know what it was, but something was holding me back from stepping onto that plane. I slowly turned my head.

Standing about a yard behind me was the man that I was about to walk away from. A small tear rolled down my check as I started to run towards him again one last time. Jumping into his arms; his strong embrace cuddled me, telling me that it’s going to be ok.

Once I was let down, his rough but warm lips gently kissed my forehead. “I love you sport” he said while looking directly into my eyes.

“I love you too dad.”

I grabbed my luggage and stepped onto the plane taking a seat by the window on the side that he was standing on. Looking out I could faintly see the outline of his built structure. You could slightly see a shone of the sun reflecting off his bald head.

As the plane started to lift in the air I waved from my window hoping that he would see me. “Till me meet again.” I mumbled to myself.


I was back in New York. People in business suits, rushing for work or getting a quick coffee to help them rush faster to work. I was looking around for the one person that I couldn’t stop thinking about while I was away.

The one person that makes the melody in my heart play. The one person that makes my world stick together when it seems like its falling apart. Yet that one person was not here.

He promised me he would…. Maybe he got really busy. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number; the phone rang and rang until I heard his answering machine.

I did this pattern until I gave up on him. I decided to call my trusty friend, who is always there for me.

I dialed his number and listened to the annoying dial tone, until someone picked up on the other end.

“Hello?” His voice ran through my body relaxing me.

“Hey Charlie, I’m at the airport and-” he cut me off.

“Let me guess, he didn’t show up?” I started to get admitted by his remark, but quickly settled. He was right. I do seem to always call Charlie when Tom doesn’t show up.

“Yea… he didn’t…”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a few.”

I hung up and sat on the hard and uncomfortable bench. I started thinking about my dad and how I miss him already, the memories that flooded my mind while I was there. I wanted to lock them away in my mind, so that I will never forget them. 

I must have been daydreaming for a while, because I felt someone’s hand waving in front of me. I quickly came back to reality

I looked up into his amber eyes and long eyelashes. His brown hair a little longer than when I had seen him last. He opened his arms out for me. I dropped my bags and jumped into his arms as he pulled me into a tight and warm hug.

“It’s good to have you back Emma.” He whispered into my ear.

My arms tightened around his neck pulling him closer. “Thanks.” Our hug seemed to last a while. It was sadly interrupted when my phone vibrated. I quickly pulled out my cell and opened it hopping it was the one person that I was desperately wanting to talk to.

“Hey! I was-”

“Hey honey its mom. Your dad called me and said that you were back in town? How was it?” I so badly wanted to hang up on her. Not because I was mad at her, but because it wasn’t the person I wanted to talk to.

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