Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was dark outside as the lights from the buildings  and the headlights of the cars lit up the roads down below. I was sitting at my desk listening to my ipod while playing plants vs. zombies on my laptop.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I’m going shopping with Cherry and Jamie. Tom is going to hang out with the guys again.

I sighed looking up at a picture on my billboard of me and Tom. I have so much love for this guy. It may seem crazy to some people, but I really do. Its like every time I see him, its that feeling of surprise, you know? Its hard to explain but you understand.

As I gazed at his breath taking deep blue eyes I could feel the warmth I get when we kiss. I raised my fingers and gently touched my lips. I couldnt help but miss him already. He had fallen asleep about an hour ago.

I was wondering what to get Tom for Christmas this year. I want it to be extra special. I kept going through the list of his favorite things.

~mental list~



-video games

and the list goes on...

I soon gave up with thinking. It was getting late and my eyelids grew very heavy. I changed into my funny bunny green PJ’s. they were so soft and fuzzy agaisnt my skin.

I shut my laptop and turned off my ipod, crawling into my nice warm cozy bed. I snuggled under the covers curling up into a ball as I drifted to sleep.


I ran outside practically knocking Cherry over with a big hug. She chuckled regaining her balance. “Hey gurly, Ready?”

I nodded as we walked along the side walk on our way to meet Jamie on the corner.

“So where do you want to go first?” Cherry asked while turning around and walking backwards while looking at me.

“One day you are going to run into something, and when you fall flat on your ass, I am just going to stand here pointing and laugh at you until I cry.”

She gave me a dirty look and stuck her toungue out at me like a 5 year old. “Then I would ask you to help me up as I pull you to the ground with me.”

I laughed histerically  “That’s just it. I wouldn’t help you up.”  I gave her an Innocent smile as we just laughed together.

“I was thinking we should go to build-a-bear workshop! I’ve always wanted to go there!”

Cherry started jumping up and down while clapping her hands. “Yes, yes let’s go there!”

She then turned around and started running up ahead. “Cherry?” I called after her. I saw her running up to Jamie as she grabbed her by the arm and dragged her down the road.

“Cherry! Let go of Jamie!” I ran down the street trying to catch up with them. Jamie had an expression like she was being kidnapped across her face. I couldn't help but laugh as I ran next to them. "Let me go! you crazy person!" Jamie was trying her hardest to get loose from Cherry's grip.

It was no use though, Cherry qA  lot stronger than Jamie and she knew that. Jamie gave up and let Cherry drag her the rest of the way, as if she had anything else to do.

We stopped right in front of the doors of the big Build-a-bear workshop. A mother walked out with her little girl as the little girl went skipping along next to her mother squeezing the life out of her bear.

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