Chapterr 5

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Chapter 5

I was standing in the airport, searching through the crowd of people. “Where is he?” I mumbled to myself. I stood on top of the chairs to get a better view over the billion of people gathered in one area.

“Hey stranger." a deep voice called from behind me. I turned and saw him. He was shorter than I remember? Or is it because I’m standing on a chair? His bald head shined under the lights of the airport. His white shirt outlined his softened muscles. He was wearing his favorite sunglasses I gave him so many years ago.

“DAD!” I jumped into his strong arms as he swung me around in a circle. He gently placed me on my feet, bringing me into another big hug.

“I have missed you so much sport, how have you been?”

“I’ve been real good dad, I’m so glad to finally be here with you.” his familiar chuckle echoed through my ears.

We put my luggage in the in the back of his truck and headed to the his house. We laughed the whole ride as dad was telling stories of what went on while I was gone.

“So then I turned to the man and said, ‘what the heck are you doing in my yard?’ and he looks at me with big eyes like he had just seen a ghost, so he dropped the dog and ran.”

“Ohmigosh! What happened to the dog?” I looked at him with curious eyes.

“I kept him and named him skipper. Oh he is a beautiful dog, looks like one of those sheep dog with black and white silky soft fur.”

“Awe” I tried to image what the dog looked like when my thoughts were interrupted

“We are here sport, home sweet home.” I looked out side and with out hesitation I flung the door open and jumped out the car.

A dog started barking and running up to me. He jumped up on me and continued to bark. He was a beautiful black and white, soft dog with one red eye and one green eye so gourgeous!

“Ah! Skipper, get off of her, shew.”  my dad called as he came around the car. “Sorry, forgot to mention that he’s not use to other people, but he will love ya once he gets to know ya.” I laughed. “Thanks for the warning.”

Dad carried all of the bags up to the house, I was busy looking around and soaking up the fresh Georgia air. As I looked around all the memories from when I was a little girl came flowing back to me.

I remember the time dad played tea party with me here in the front yard, I remember falling off my horse Pegasus and breaking my arm and wearing that pretty hot pink cast for so long.

I walked up the stepps tracing my finger along the railing.Slowly stepping into the house and looking around. Everything looked the exact same as I left it. “You don’t move furniture around much do you?” I commented looking at the old rocking chair mother rocked me in to get me to sleep.

Dad walked out from the back rooms. “Nope” he laughed. I walked to the back room to look at my old bedroom.

I walked in and yet again everything was the exact same as I left it. At the time I was in the faze of wanting to be a rock star, so everything was pink and black, with occasional purple. I went and touched each stuffed animal on the bed and ran my fingers across the black wood of my dresser.

 I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. I turned and saw my dad leaning against the door frame. “If you want we can redecorate it, if this is too childish for you?”

I smiled slightly and looked around once more shaking my head. “No, I think I’ll keep it the way it is. Keep the good memories alive?” He added. I nodded sitting down on the bed in the middle of the room.

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