Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The sun was shining bright through my bedroom window. I looked out peering down at the city below. The cars were speeding down the street; children playing in the park across the street.

New York was a wonderful place to live. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else?

As I was looking out the window something hit the frame underneath. I stumbled back startled.

Once I gained my balance I looked down to see where the rock came from. thats when I saw him standing tall and proud. His perfectly straight black hair positioned just right. His deep blue eyes, it just made me melt inside.

He was smiling at me with his perfectly white teeth. He motioned his hand gesturing me to come down. I nodded smiling back.

I went in my closet and grabbed my jacket, and ran out my bedroom door.

The air was still, in my apartment. Really the only thing you could here were the horns of the cars outside.

Mother was sitting at the computer working. Her job required to be at home while working. I never really asked her on what she does, yet I really don’t care. She doesn’t care about me, and so I really don’t care about her.

“Emma darling where on earth are you going?” She turned around from the computer taking off her reading glasses. Her eyes scanned me like I was some complete stranger.

“Just going out for a walk.” I replied.

“You better not be going to see that boy Tom.” She cocked an eyebrow staring me down, just waiting for me to spit it out.

I crossed my arms in front of me, putting my entire wait on one foot. “No mother, like I said I’m going for a walk.” I lied.

She gave me an ‘as if’ look, when she threw her hand in the air giving up. “Fine, go, be back for dinner.” She went back to staring at the computer screen.

I smiled as I rushed out the door, shutting it behind me.

The air was cold, nipping at my nose. Every time I breathed out, clouds of steam would form in front of me.

It was a clear day. The sun was bright, the birds singing a soft toon.

“Hey there sexy.” His husky voice sang like music in my ears.

“Hey there handsome.” I walked up closer to him smiling. I got on my tip toes kissing his warm sweet lips.

“Ready?” I nodded. He grabbed my hand as we walked down the street to the sunshine café.

The sunshine café was where Tom and I first met. I was getting my usual Mocha and he had his regular black coffee. It was a normal day for me. Sitting in my favorite booth by the window with the view of the statue of liberty.

He didn’t even ask me if I was waiting for someone, he just sat down across from me like he owned the place.

He introduced himself and asked me if I was from around here. It seemed like we talked for hours, until the café closed at noon. Ever since that day it was like fireworks lighting up my world. My world had changed once I met Tom.

He opened the door for me as I walked in. The aroma of fresh hot coffee and freshly backed goods filled me with delight.

“Hey love birds.” Charlie, my best friend since Pre-K, was standing behind the counter. His arms leaning over the smooth marble surfacer smiling at us as we walked in.

“Hey Charlie. So whets the news for today?” I walked up to the counter cocking my head to the side.

“Well, I heard from Cherry that she broke up with her boyfriend again because she caught him cheating again.”

“Again? What is this like the hundredth time she broke up with that looser? When will she ever learn that if a guy cheats on you, you never go back?"

“I don’t know, I honestly feel sorry for her.” He replied while looking down.

 Cherry is another one of my friends. Her real name is Charlotte; she got the nickname Cherry from the 5th grade at end of the year party, when she spilt cherry Kool-Aid all over her cherry dress. Yea her favorite fruit is cherry.

There was an awkward silence for a minute.  “So, what can I get you today?” He looked down at me waiting patiently.

“Just the usual for us both.” I took a quick glance at Tom behind me. He nodded his head confirming my order.

“Coming right up.” Charlie soon disappeared into the back room. We walked over to my favorite booth, from where Tom and I first met.

I looked out to where the water meets the horizon. The bright yellow rays from the sun shining on the statue of liberty; the average sound of the honking cars as they pass by the window.

 I was deep thought as I gazed at the beautiful sight before my eyes. His hand grabbed mine interrupting my thoughts.

“So, babe, what plans do you have for today?” I turned to look at him. His deep blue eyes gazing hungrily.

“I don’t know? Just to spend a whole day with you is all I really want.” He leaned in halfway over the table. I leaned in the other half. Our lips met in the middle, it was like and explosion of a million cannons going off.  

“Ehem.” Charlie was standing there holding our drinks on a small circular tray. How long was he standing there? Oops.

I leaned back in my seat. My cheeks completely flushed red from embarrassment. Tom glanced at me then chuckled. “You’re so cute when you get embarrassed.”

I sat up as Charlie placed my steaming hot Mocha in front of me. I dipped my finger in the cool, cool-whip. “Mmmm perfect, thanks Charlie.”

He smiled and nodded. “Yea man thanks.” Tom flipped a quarter in the air heading right towards Charlie. He scrambled but caught it. Tom then winked at him.

Charlie’s expression changed, his smile disappeared and the only thing that was left was the look of wanting and anger. He then walked away, leaving me and Tom alone to drink our coffee.

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