27 Hours Without You~9

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{Hour 1}

"How can you be so frustrating!?" She screams at me, stomping even farther away from me.

"I'm frustrating? I'm not the one who doesn't listen to anyone else even if they're saying the correct thing!" I exclaim.

"I know that you're talking about when we were on quests together and you would come up with some idiotic plan!"

"Maybe I am, Annabeth. But don't forget that when we went on those quests I did everything while you were just being a bossy little..."

"A bossy little what?" She growls, her grey eyes filling up with anger.

"A-a bossy little bitch!" I yell, crossing my arms. "Maybe I should've just let you fall into Tartarus by yourself." I mumble, turning away from Annabeth.

"What?" She asks, I can hear her walking towards me.

"I said that I should've just let you fallen into Tartarus!" I scream at her, turning back around.

Her face falls, her eyes start to fill up with tears and she goes pale. I then realize what I just said.

"Annabeth, I-I didn't mean that. I wasn't thinking. Ple-"

"Save it." She grumbles, looking away from me.


"I said to save it!" She screams picking up her purse and putting on shoes and a coat. She opens the front door. "Goodbye Percy." She says before walking out the door. The love of my life was gone.

{Hour 5}

There's a knock at the front door. I race to go answer it, thinking it might be Annabeth. When I open the door, I am met with the face of Jason. He must know what's going on by my tear stained face.

"So, I heard you fucked up." He says, leaning against the door frame.

I sniff, "Yeah, really bad. Can you come in?"

"Sure." We walk inside and sit on the couch in Annabeth and I's small apartment. Or maybe just mine now.

"Who told you what happened?" I ask, wiping some tears off my cheeks.

"Percy, Annabeth is staying at Piper and I's apartment."

I nod sadly. "Has Piper talked to her?"

"Obviously. We've tried to get her to come back here. Honestly, I don't know who's fault it is for all of this."

"It's mine, Jason! I should've never said that to her! I feel like such a douchebag!" I exclaim, putting my face in my hands. "She probably hates me now."

"Percy, she does not hate you. You two are the best couple ever. Seriously."

I smile a little.

"Well, I better leave. Hey, Piper will talk some sense into Annabeth and she'll be back in your arms soon."

"Bye, Jason."


{Hour 7}

The dining table is so quiet that I'm not able to eat. Usually, Annabeth and I would be laughing over something or she'd be talking about architecture or I'd be smiling like a child over the blue food. But right now, I am sitting alone, not smiling over anything.

{Hour 15}

I jolt awake, sweating and crying. I look to my right expecting to see Annabeth lying there, sleeping peacefully telling me she's okay. But she isn't. Then I remember what happened. Whenever her or I would have a nightmare we'd wake the other up and they'd stay with us until we calmed down. Oh gods, what if Annabeth has a nightmare? Piper and Jason (assuming she's staying the night at their apartment) won't know what to do. Should I call Jason or Piper and see if she's okay? Yeah, I will.

I pick up my phone on the bedside table and dial Jason's number. After a few rings he picks up.

"Percy? What the hell do you want at three in the morning?" He says sounding annoyed, which he probably is. I can hear Piper asking him something.

"Is Annabeth okay? Is she having a nightmare? Has she tonight?" I frantically ask, brushing hair out of my face.

"I think she's okay. But I'm not sure. Piper? Can you go check on Annabeth? Percy's freaking out." He responds, I hear Piper say sure before walking off.

"Sorry, Jason. I just had a nightmare and it involved her getting hurt and-"

"Perce, I understand. Piper just came back and said that Annabeth is awake right now because she had one earlier tonight."

"But she's okay now?"

"Yes," he says.

"Thank you, thank Piper for me. Sorry, again."

"It's okay. Goodnight Percy."

"Night." It definitely wouldn't be a 'good night.'

{Hour 19}

I slump out of bed, tired as fuck. When I look in the mirror, I don't recognize the person in my reflection. My eyes are more of an evergreen color now, big dark lines are underneath them, my lips are chapped. A sigh escapes my mouth. I change into the first thing I see which happens to be jeans and a black shirt.

Since I can't cook at all, I just grab a glass of orange juice and quickly gulp it down. I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV since I don't have anything to do. The first channel to come up is the home improvement channel. I laugh a bit remembering all the times Annabeth would watch this channel and point out all the mistakes the builders make. She'd do that with comments like, "That house will collapse in a decade." I would let her watch that channel because I found it extremely amusing to see her do that. Usually me and her wouldn't end up finishing an episode of a show because we'd end up kissing, anyway.

{Hour 24}

It's been a day without even speaking to the girl I love. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me. I don't know if she'll move on and find a better guy. I don't know if one day she'll come back to the apartment just to get her things so she can get another apartment. I wouldn't have a Wise Girl anymore, and she wouldn't have a Seaweed Brain anymore either.

{Hour 27}

I hear the front door creek open before a small voice says, "Percy?"

I know that voice anywhere. I run from the bedroom to the living room where the front door is. "Annabeth?"

In not even a second, she's in my arms. I squeeze her so tight I'm surprised she didn't stop breathing. She tangles her hands in my hair. When we pull away it's only so I can kiss her. I missed the feeling of her mouth on mine. I had almost forgot how soft her lips were. She jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. I have to keep her up by holding her thighs. When we pulled away we put our foreheads together.

"I missed you," she says, breathless.


A/N: This is one of my favorites, guys. Sorry, if I made you collapse because of feels. I almost died while writing this, by the way.

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