100% Amazing~18

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 It's been two days since the foolish, immature fight Percy and I had. I don't even know what we were fighting about, I just know it wasn't a common fight. All I remember is yelling, and crying, and doors slamming. Most likely, Percy didn't do anything, and it was all me. Completely me.

I sniffle again before slamming my head against the damp pillow. Burying my head deep in the piece of fabric, I let out a long, crackly groan. A knock on the door comes a moment before the soft voice of my stepmother asking if she can come in. The pillow muffles my voice when I say she can.

When I turn my head, I see my stepmom walking to my bed. She smiles sympathetically at me before sitting at the edge of my bed. Helen puts a hand on my leg.

"I know that this is hard, Annabeth," She says.

"I miss him already. I can't deal with the fact that he probably hates me." I admit, tearing up again.

"He doesn't hate you. He couldn't hate you after all you've done together." Helen reassures, "Percy's probably hurting as much as you are right now."

"Should I call him?" I ask quietly, biting my lip.

"You should if you want this to be fixed." She replies, "I'll leave you now, you probably want to be alone."

I watch her walk out before opening the contacts on my phone. I scroll down to P, and hover my finger over his name, but I can't bring myself to call him. My arm throws my phone to the end of the bed before I groan once again.

After attempting everything to get my mind off Percy, I come to the conclusion that I can't. I grab my phone and start looking through pictures of him and I on my camera roll and on my Instagram.

One catches my eye in my camera roll, it's one of us on our one anniversary date. It wasn't a big and expensive date, we just stayed in watching Netflix and celebrating his birthday. God we were cute, I think as I observe how Percy's arms are wrapped tightly around my waist, and how I'm kissing his cheek and smiling.

I contemplate scrolling through Percy's Instagram, because I know he has plenty pictures of us. It's not like you can see when someone simply looks at your profile. I go to his profile and before I can even start scrolling, a picture catches my eye. One of him and Rachel, smiling and really close together.

Fun day in Manhattan with one of my favorite people! <3

Once again, I start crying hysterically at the picture. Loud, wet sobs which make me feel stupid and lovesick. A heart signifies love. He loves Rachel, and he hates me. Percy, my savior and seaweed brain is gone.

No, no, I won't let us break up because of a fight. I won't let it happen. Quickly, I press the call button so I don't spend time thinking if I should really do it or not. After five or six rings, it goes to voicemail. At least I still get to hear his voice. The signature beep tells me to start saying something.

I swallow hard before I start. "Percy, I want you to know that I love you. No matter what happens between us I will. If we break up, or resolve this fight, or if you or I move on, I will love you. And I understand if you don't feel this about me, because this entire situation is my fault. I probably over-reacted about something. Sorry, I don't really remember what we were, or are, fighting about.

"I saw the picture of you and Rachel. You guys were smiling, which is really all I care about. You being happy, that is. Your smile is one of my favorite things about you, actually." I stop talking for a minute to clear my throat.

"I'm sorry, Perce. I'm so fucking sorry for that fight and causing this whole god damn mess and just- I miss you. You know how I don't like saying sorry, but I felt as if I needed to this time. If we break up I at least want us to be on good terms.

"I'm probably bothering you by now. It's been at least five minutes by now. So, um, I'll go now. I love you, Seaweed Brain."

I hang up and release a breath I didn't know existed. Suddenly my head starts to hurt. I bury it into my hands to try to relief the pain, but it doesn't help. Lying down might help. Eventually, I fall asleep with a headache, thinking about what will happen between Percy and me.


The doorbell wakes me up. I groggily check the time on my phone before going down to answer. 7:30, I must've slept at least five hours. My eyes and head still hurt, and my hair's probably a huge mess. Whoever this is better be prepared to see me in all my glory and perfection.

My step-mom must be out with my dad and the twins or something, since she isn't here. The house is quiet as I walk down the stairs. The ring from the doorbell was probably the only noise the house has heard in a couple hours. When I open the front door, it makes a creek before revealing the one who I needed to see the most.

Percy Jackson.

With eyes and hair as red and messy as mine, he still looks hands0me. But the smile that breaks across his face when he sees me makes him even more handsome.

"Percy," I whisper, smiling.

All he does is hold out his arms in a hugging motion. I can see his eyes fill with tears, but he's smiling so they must be of joy.

I step forward and wrap my arms around his waist. This feels so right. I bury my head deeper into his chest, breathing in the scent of salt water and cologne. He lays his head down on my head, lightly kissing it.

"I missed you so god damn much, Wise Girl. So much." Percy mumbles into my hair, "Can you lift your head up so I can kiss you?"

I release a muffled laugh before looking up at him. He smiles at me before bringing his head down to mine. A sigh escapes my mouth. I love this boy so much. Nothing has changed about his lips, absolutely nothing, and that's amazing.

Absolutely, 100%, and utterly amazing.

A/N: Thank you guys for 5,000 reads! That is so many of you guys and I'm thankful for every one of you. I don't know how you can deal with my slow updates but you can and that's amazing. Thank you so so so much. I never thought in a million years I'd be where I am. I love you all.

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