Right Here~32

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A/N: AU btw

A lot of teenagers don't think about their future. They think that, no matter their age, they'll have the privileges and personality they have now. And then there are the ones like Annabeth Chase, who think about their future non stop, solving through every bump there could be. Not that that's a bad thing, though, sometimes, they don't think things through. And that doesn't go well.

Percy and Annabeth hadn't talked about college together, especially the fact that they're going to colleges 1,000 miles apart from each other. See, those two were practically one person--always together, knowing exactly what the other was thinking, and being aware of every pro or con of their personalities. It's understandable they wouldn't want to talk about it.

But, even Percy knew that they needed to. He really didn't want to disrupt her peaceful state, or move from the position the couple was positioned in. Percy knew Annabeth well enough to know that she would definitely move off of his chest to look at him while he spoke.

She did just that. "What's up?"

"Are we ever going to talk about college?" He asked, placing his hands around her arms.

Annabeth sighed, knowing what he meant. "I mean, there's nothing we can do about it, Percy. As much as I hate saying that."

"I don't want to be that far from you for the majority of those four years. Hell, I can barely be away from you for an entire day." His comment made her smile, sadly, you could still see the sadness on her face.

"I don't want to either, but we can't cling to each other so much, maybe this will help us become more independent from each other."

There she was, trying to look at it better by using wise sayings. He loved her for always being like that, always having a plan or solution. Even though Percy was usually the more bright one, when there was even the smallest problem, especially involving their relationship, it'd make him flustered.

He looked at her longingly, not saying anything.

She moved his hands from her arms and tangled herself into him. Legs, arms, hands, everything.

"We, and this relationship, will be okay, Perce. I wouldn't give up this for anything, and going to college isn't giving up. It's just life which is screwing us over." Annabeth said into his neck, sending small shivers down his spine.

Percy took a moment and started sliding his fingers through her curls, knowing that in a couple months, he wouldn't be able to. "I know, babe. But if any guys hit on you, tell me."

She chuckled before kissing his jaw softly. "I can care for myself."

"I know, but still."

That was really the whole conversation. It ended with them knowing their love wouldn't end because of college, knowing they'd still see and talk to each other. They worked so hard for that relationship, and neither of them would give it up now.

But at that moment, nothing really mattered but them. Not college, or planning when they'd Skype, just them. Only them.

A/N: I'm very sorry this is short but I thought it was pretty cute. As I'm writing this there's 19.8 k reads on this. I cannot fathom that number. It's so so close to 20k that I'm literally almost in tears writing this because that's just amazing. This is one of the best and coolest things in my life. I love you every one of you so much. (And yeah, that's my face above. Thought you guys would want to see what I look like.)

I love you all, stay safe.


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