The Only Exception~13

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I was eight years old when my parents got divorced. And because of that, I've always thought that no relationships last. That's why I'm sixteen years old and haven't even had my first kiss.

Yeah, I know. Pretty pathetic.

But when your dad cheats on your mom with someone who's six years younger than them, it'll make you think all men aren't good. That they all can't stay in a relationship. That they're all pigs.

But here I am, falling for one of my friends, Percy Jackson. He's so nice to everyone, is hilarious in a stupid way, and extremely attractive. Liking him annoys me; I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love and it's not like he'd ever like me back, so what's the point?

While hanging up my sweatshirt in my locker, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Percy with a beanie on his head and a smile on his face.

"Hey, Wise Girl." He greets, making my heart flutter- yes, flutter. It was a nickname he gave me a week after we met in eighth grade.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain." I reply, closing my locker after getting out my history textbook, a notebook, and a couple pens. "What's with the beanie? Have a bad hair day?"

He lightly punches my side then laughs. "Shut up. You know I always look great."

"Yeah, okay, Perce." I say, walking away from him in the direction of my history classroom. He follows me since he has the same class.

Once we get in the classroom, we're both laughing because Percy told some stupid joke. The teacher glances at us, then looks back down at her book. There's only four people in the classroom except us. Percy and I take a seat next to each other and wait for class to begin.

Halfway through the teacher's lesson about The Cold War, Percy lightly rests his fingertips on my arm, which is writing down notes. I stop writing and turn my head to him. He just keeps looking at the whiteboard.

"Percy," I whisper, the teacher probably won't hear me since we're sitting in the back.

He looks at me, but doesn't say anything. I look down at his fingertips and he looks at them too. Percy turns his head up to me again with his eyes saying, "I know, Annabeth. So what?"

I swallow and look back at my notes. He keeps his fingertips on my arm for the rest of class.


My next class is math, with my friend, Thalia. She's always thought that Percy and I would make a great couple and that we definitely like each other. Percy and her are cousins, so I think she just really wants to see her cousin with one of her best friends.

I get to the math classroom and sit down at a desk in the middle-front area. Thalia walks in soon after and sits down next to me.

"Hey Annie," she greets, using a nickname.

"Thalia. Don't call me Annie." I remind her, but I know she won't listen.

She smirks and moves hair out of her face. "So, you and Kelp Head make any relationship progress?"

"We don't like each other." I lie- well, that's only half a lie, really.

"Whatever, Annie." She teases, making me roll my eyes at our friendship.

Math is just plain, boring math. No talk about Percy. Or my relationships in general. Just conversations about algebra.

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