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Annabeth had always been a quiet girl to mortals at school, and Percy knew that. What surprised him was the fact she was quiet when they got to camp, a place where she's lively and outgoing. The first thing he suspected was that something was wrong being the protective boyfriend he is. Yet he didn't ask her about it through out the day.

Others noticed it, too. The Aphrodite girls were "shipping" them as they did, and Annabeth didn't tell them shut up and she didn't roll her eyes. And at the Campfire, she refused, by just shaking her head with a tired look, to get up and dance with Percy and one of her sisters.

He couldn't take it anymore by the end of the day. It hurt him to see his girlfriend with a sad expression. Percy decided that when they'd go to the Canoe Lake, he'd ask her about it.

The couple walked down to the beach, hands clasped together. Annabeth's hand was still while Percy was running his thumb over her knuckles. This made him even more concerned, as usually she'd look up at him and smile.

They sat down on the smooth white sand close enough for their shoulders to touch. It was silent between them for a while, but it was comfortable.

But Percy, being worried, couldn't take Annabeth's silence any longer.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently, turning his head to look at her profile.

She dipped her head down and replied with, "Nothing, why?"

"I've known you for 5 years, Annabeth. Something is wrong."

"There isn't anything wrong!" She exclaimed, then moved so she was facing him. "Okay?"

Percy shook his head, eyebrow furrowed together. "No, not 'okay.' I know you don't like asking for help, Wise Girl, but sometimes you need it. And that's what's okay."

He could tell that tears were forming in her eyes, and that she was trying not to cry. Seeing anyone you love cry was terrible. Knowing that they're letting all these emotions out makes you want to cry, too.

She looked away from him. Her voice was so small he could barely hear it. "I didn't remember how many wonderful girls there are here."

Percy was dumb-founded. He had absolutely no idea what she meant.

I guess Annabeth had noticed his oblivious look because she mumbled, "God, you really don't understand?"

Realization hit him like a bus. Percy's face fell. "You-you don't think you're good enough for me, do you?"

By now, Annabeth was again looking at him. But when he said that, she looked down at her empty lap and the first tear fell.

"How can I not, Percy? You saved Olympus, have fought hundreds of monsters, are a child of one of the Big Three. You, to say bluntly, are really attractive. And sweet. And just... Perfect. If-if you wanted, you could get any girl. And yet, you chose me. I just don't get it."

It shocked Percy, to say the least. To him, Annabeth was brilliant, perfect even. She was beautiful, and brave, and smart, and well, every good adjective really. Percy never thought of himself as awesome or magnificent, he thought of himself as just, him.

Percy moved even closer to her and wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders. She still hadn't looked up. Percy took ahold of her jaw, and made her look at his face. They were so close, one more small move and they'd basically be one.

He smiled down at her gently. "I've never heard you say anything that ridiculous, Wise Girl. I'm far from perfect. The number of my flaws is an insane amount. And I also worry. Hell, I'll be fighting guys off of you forever. I love you. You're perfect for me."

Her eyes became lighter and her mouth tilted up. She let out one of those laugh-breath things. "I love you so much."

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "It's good to see you smile."

A/N: Hey guys! I apologize that this is so short, hopefully it was okay though! Writers block is attacking me right now so... Yeah. Next time the one-shot will be better, though. Also... THANK YOU FOR 8,000 READS OH MY LORD. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH

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