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A/N: Okay, before I start there are some things I have to say. First, thank all of you so freaking much for 2,000 views. When I started this I never thought it would reach this number. Thank you all, I love you. Also, I apologize so much for not updating as much as I usually do. The holidays were a lot and I've just been having a lot of emotions going through my head. Enjoy the story! Pretend both of them aren't dyslexic.

"Okay everyone, today we will start talking to people in New York." The teacher, Mrs. Stewart, announced standing at the head of the classroom. "In other words, all of you will be getting assigned a pen-pal!"

Some seventh graders groaned, knowing that they would have to read and write emails for the rest of the school year. I didn't, I liked the idea of getting to know someone from a different state. Even though I had been to New York a couple times because that's where my mother lived, it'd still be interesting to learn about how it is there all year round.

"Settle down, everyone." Mrs. Stewart said before handing out slips of paper with our assigned pen-pal's email on them.

I look down at the slip of paper she handed me. It looks like my pen-pal is a boy, Percy is his name. His email is pretty humorous, actually: KelpHead. It made me laugh softly. Maybe he liked the ocean or the beach or something like that.

"Start writing your first emails!" The teacher said in a perky voice. Everyone pulled out the laptops given to us from the school and started writing.


One Year Later-13 Years Old

Everybody in my class stopped talking to their pen-pal after the school year ended except me. Percy and I kept in touch. I think we got to know each other the most out of everyone else and their pen-pal in our classes. During my seventh grade year, I found out that Percy did in fact like the ocean. Actually, he told me that he loved it. He also loved blue food, which is weird but also really funny at the same time.

So there I was, in my eighth grade year, still emailing him. My dad thought it was a good thing I was emailing him and making a new friend. After my mom died when I was seven, I kind of blocked most people out, leaving me with no friends. I mean, even though we had never met each other, we still knew each other.

I opened a new email document on my phone and started responding to his last email. He asked me about my family and how they were doing. So I told them that they were good. Percy answered my question and explained why he likes blue food. And I told him that I thought the reason was sweet and funny. Basically, his mom started doing it when his old step-father said that blue food didn't exist. She kept putting blue food dye in their meals even after he left because it humored Percy.

I click the power button on my phone and put it on the nightstand before going to sleep.


3 Years Later-16 Years Old

To me, P.S.s were the best part of a letter. I don't know if it's because ever since we were 14 Percy would start putting them in his letters, or because of something else. He had never missed putting a P.S. in his letter. They were usually pretty cute.

P.S. I think your eyes are a really pretty color. We had sent pictures of ourselves to each other.

P.S. You're one of the smartest people I've ever met (Well, kind of met.) I told him about how I was in my school's top 20 percent.

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