Chapter 1 - Sophie

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Chapter One: Sophie

I sat there, staring at the board, and watched my English teacher, Ms. Truppet, scribble something onto it. I'd never really cared for my English class. I thought it was a pointless subject. Anyone who passed elementary school would know what a noun or a verb was, or whatever Ms. Truppet was teaching today.

I sighed, remembering Mom was leaving for her flight to Chicago today. Again, I would be alone for however long she decided to be gone. I frowned bitterly to myself, only half-listening to Mrs. Truppet's lecture when she called on me.


I jumped, startled at the sound of Ms. Truppet's impatient voice. "Are you paying attention?"

I stared at her impassively. "Umm," I stammered.

Ms. Truppet looked like her patience was wearing thin. She frowned and said, "If you can't concentrate on the lesson, Miss Anderson, I am going to have to ask you to leave. Are we clear?"

I nodded, painstakingly embarrassed. I slid down in my seat and muttered, "Yes ma'am." A few minutes later, the bell echoed through the intercom, signaling school was finally out for the day. I got up and bolted towards the door, pushing my way out of the classroom. The hallways were becoming more crowded by the second, so I hurried past people, walking in the direction of the parking lot. When I made it to the door, I pushed it open and squinted against the bright sunlight.


I stopped and turned when I heard my name being called. One of my best friends, Zoey, made her way through the crowd towards me. I smiled at her. "Hey, Zoey."

"Coming tonight?" she asked excitedly, tucking a few strands of long, blonde hair behind her ear.


"To see that new horror movie that just came out. Some of us are going."

"Umm," I mumbled. "Maybe."

Her smile vanished. "What's wrong?"

I looked up at her, faking a half-smile. "Mom's leaving on another business trip."

"Ah," she said, nodding in understanding. We walked in silence for a minute, then she turned to me. "Come with us tonight, Sophie. You can't stay in that house alone every time your mom leaves on another business trip."

I let out a sigh. "I know, I just wish she wouldn't leave all the time. It gets lonely, you know, especially when my dad isn't around either."

Zoey grew silent, glancing at me with sullen eyes. "I know."

Zoey knew I hated to talk about my dad. It was a painful memory for me, so I never talked about him.

"Anyways," I said in a more positive mood. "My night will be filled with Lifetime movies and Mac N' Cheese."

Zoey laughed, but I could tell it was forced. "Come with us tonight," she begged. "You can't stay in that house by yourself every time your mom leaves on another business trip. You're going to go insane."

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "Oh fine, I'll come to the movies with you guys tonight."

She bumped my shoulder. "Justin will be there."

I glanced at her and she winked. I couldn't fight the smile that crept onto my lips. "Anyways," she went on, "We're meeting at seven, then going out to eat afterward."

"Okay, I'm in," I said.

"Awesome!" she cheered.

We walked out to the parking lot together, and I groaned inwardly when traffic was starting to slow down. Trying to get out of this school was a nightmare, especially since there were three hundred seniors trying to get out of the parking lot at once.

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