Epilogue- Sophie

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Epilogue: Sophie

"Sophie Anderson."

I walked up to the podium as my name was being called. I shook the principal's hand, was handed my diploma, and then took a picture. I looked out to everyone. I saw my mom next to Darius, smiling and crying. I looked at Justin, who sat in the third row. He smiled at me and blew me a kiss. I winked at him and proceeded off the stage, diploma in hand. I can't believe it. I finally graduated.

I sat back down and watched as all of the other students went up to shake the principal's hand and get their diplomas. The time finally came for the Throwing of the Tassels. We all took off our tassels and threw them up into the air, cheering. We all finally graduated. Parents were crying, students were cheering and hugging each other. I found Justin and hugged him tightly. Zoey and her boyfriend, Jeremy, came up to us and gave us high fives.

"We finally did it!" Zoey cheered. "We graduated!"

Everyone around us cheered when Zoey did. The teachers and staff rushed us out of the auditorium so we could find our parents. Justin, Zoey, Jeremy, and I parted ways to find our families and told each other we would meet up later. I gave Justin a kiss and went to go find my mom and Darius.

When I found them, my mom rushed up to me and hugged me tightly. She was crying, but I knew they were tears of joy. Darius came up to me and patted me on the back.

"Good job, Soph. We're proud of you," he said.

"Thanks, Darius," I said. "Mom, don't cry."

"I can't help it, Soph! My little girl has grown up so beautifully," she said, hugging me again.

"Come on, Julie, let's let her breathe," Darius said, pulling her away. I mouthed thank you to him and he nodded. "Okay, let's go home and celebrate!"

We all agreed and made our way out of the auditorium. We walked to the car and got inside. The traffic was horrible. Everyone trying to get out of the same place at the same time was a nightmare.

An hour later we were home. I grabbed my graduation gown, tassel, and diploma out of the car and headed inside the house.

"I'm going to put my stuff away," I called to my mom and Darius as I headed upstairs.

"Okay, honey," my mom called from the kitchen.

I got up the stairs and went into my room. I took off my shoes at the door and set my tassel, gown, and diploma on my dresser. I turned to my bed and my blood turned to ice.

I stared at what was on my bed, not believing my eyes. I thought this stopped...

On my bed was a brown box, closed with a red satin ribbon.

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