Chapter 17- Sophie

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Chapter 17: Sophie

It had been a week since Darius had dropped us off at the hotel in St. Petersburg. It was a few miles from the beach, but I could still smell the saltwater in the air. It was nice and relaxing. There had been no word from anyone about if they had caught the man or not. I didn't ask Darius about him. I didn't want to. It was nice to go a week without getting any random gifts, letters, or surprise visits from psychopaths.

"Sophie, your phone is ringing!" my mom shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I answered. I walked back into the hotel room. It was almost like a mini-apartment with how the room was paid out. It had a balcony, a kitchen, and even two separate bedrooms. Mom and I hadn't left the hotel since we'd gotten here. Darius said to keep leaving the room to a minimum, and it was driving me insane.

"Hello?" I said, answering my phone.



"I leave for a few days for a basketball tournament, and when I come back, you're off in some disclosed location with your mom and no one is allowed to know where you are?"

I bit my lip nervously. "Well, Zoey knows where I am. But that's about it."

"And I can't?" he wondered. I could almost hear his lips curving into a smirk.

"I'm in St. Petersburg," I said. Darius told me to not reveal my location to anyone. The more people knew where I was, the higher the chance the man would find out. Darius said the FBI was no longer going to underestimate him.

"Text me the address."


"Why do you think, Sophie? You're probably going out of your damn mind with your mom. What've you been doing for the past week besides listening to her try to redecorate wherever you're staying?" he chuckled.

I laughed, which felt good. I hadn't laughed in a while. "You're right, unfortunately. But I'm not supposed to leave the hotel."

"Oh, so you're in a hotel?" he asked in a smug voice. "Fancy."

"Justin, I'm serious."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make you smile. I hate seeing what this man has done to you."

I didn't answer him. He was right- and I felt guilty about it. I was terrified that something bad was going to happen to me. Something in the back of my mind said he was going to find me eventually. Darius said I'd become his new obsession, and taking me away from him would most likely drive him mad. He didn't want me to be anywhere near Bradenton when that happened.

"Sophie, please let me see you. You'll be safe with me, and if we have to, an officer can be with us."

"How romantic," I snickered. My smile faded after a moment. "I'll text you the address."

"Awesome. I'll see you in a little bit."

He hung up and I pulled the phone away from my ear. I texted him the address of the hotel and my room number. I hit the off button and his picture faded to black on the screen. Naomi padded into the room and jumped up on the bed next to me. She licked my cheek and whimpered.

"I know, I know. We'll go out soon," I said to her, staring out the window. I wished I could see the beach from my room, but I guess smelling the salt in the air was the next best thing. The beach relaxed me, and I haven't been able to go this whole time we've been at the hotel. It was frustrating, but I understood why I couldn't.

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