Chapter 19- Ricky

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Chapter19: Ricky

I glanced at her peaceful, unconscious body sprawled across the backseat of the SUV. The strands of her hair covered her face. She looked so vulnerable- so innocent- and it made my heart flutter. The light turned green and I stepped on the gas, turning to pull on the highway.

We drove for about an hour, north of the outlet mall I had taken her from. The more north we drove, the more secluded civilization became. I pulled off on a road parallel to the coast and drove through a small town that consisted of a gas station, post office, mini-market, and a few secluded houses. It was the closest civilization for miles. We drove for another thirty minutes until I finally pulled into the driveway of the beach house.

The sun was setting; pastel pinks, oranges, and yellows painted the sky in one of the most beautiful sunsets I'd seen since I came back to the beach house. I looked at Sophie in the backseat and decided that it was a good sign. The thought made me happy. She was finally here- with me- alone in a beach house. What more could a young woman want? Was there anything anyone would find as romantic as this? We could love our lives here- forever.

I got out of the SUV and managed to pull Sophie from the backseat without waking her. I carried her up the wooden steps up to the main house and walked to the back bedroom. Everything was set up for her- I made sure everything was prepared. I bought her clothes, a new laptop and other things that I found in her previous room that I thought she'd need here.

I set her down on the bed and gazed down at her stunning body. She was still only in a bra, so I draped a blanket over her. Despite everything, I still didn't want to touch her like I wanted to while she was unconscious. I brushed the strands of hair from her face and traced her jawline with my finger.

"I will be back soon, my beautiful Sophie." I leaned over her, kissed her forehead, and retreated from the room, slowly closing the door and locking it behind me.

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