Chapter 4 - Sophie

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Chapter Four: Sophie

I woke up to the doorbell ringing. Sitting up, I glanced at my clock. It was almost six o'clock. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, shuffling towards the door. Suddenly, Naomi started growling. I paused and glanced at her, then the front door.

"It's okay, Naomi, it's probably just Justin," I reassured her, patting her on the head. Her growl got deeper, which made me nervous. I walked to the front door and looked through the peephole. No one was there, though. Then, an arm reached out, covered by a black leather jacket, and rang the doorbell again. I rested my hand on the doorknob and waited. Justin wouldn't ring the doorbell, I thought to myself. He usually just walks inside the house, which made me wonder who was actually ringing the doorbell.

I refused to be paranoid this time, so I unlocked the door and opened it. I peered outside the door and looked to both sides. No one was there.

When I stepped outside, I kicked something at my feet. A cardboard box was sitting at my feet, taped shut. I wanted to believe that the mailman was ringing the doorbell to drop off a package, but when I looked at the package closely, it wasn't addressed to anyone. I shrugged and picked it up, bringing it inside with me.

The box wasn't heavy at all. It actually seemed rather light, like nothing was inside. But as I moved into the kitchen, I could feel something sliding inside the box. I cut the tape off and opened the box. I stared into it, confused.

A single red rose with a red ribbon was at the bottom of the box. Next to it was a tiny black box. I picked up the black box and opened it. Inside was a silver necklace with a heart locket.

"What?" I whispered to myself, putting the black box down. I picked up the rose and stared at it. It was one of the most beautiful roses I'd ever seen. I grabbed a vase from underneath the sink and filled it with water, then placed the rose into it.

Who would do this though? I didn't have any admirers or boyfriends, and Valentine's Day was three months away. Naomi stood at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Looks like I have an admirer, Naomi," I said. I didn't mind the rose, but the necklace was a little weird.

I took both things into my room and put them on my bedside table. A thought crossed my mind. What if they were from Justin? Was Zoey right about him liking me more than he led on?

The doorbell rang again, and Naomi barked. I got up and walked towards the door. "Who is it?" I called out.

"Who do you think it is?" said a voice. I sighed in relief and opened the door. Justin stood there, blonde hair messy and hands in his pockets.

"Come on in."

Justin stepped inside, only to be jumped on my Naomi almost immediately. I laughed, watching his surprised face turn into a smile. I noticed his black jacket. Maybe it really was him?

"What was with the rose?" I asked suddenly. Naomi dropped to the floor and Justin looked at me, clearly confused.

"What rose?"

"The rose and necklace at my doorstep? Like, five minutes ago there was someone ringing the doorbell and when I went outside, there was a cardboard box with a rose and a necklace inside. I assumed it was you."

He shook his head, looking at me like I was crazy. "Uhh, no, that wasn't me," he said. "Why would someone leave a rose and necklace at your doorstep?"

"Oh you know," I sighed. "All those boyfriends, they're hard to keep up with."

He chuckled and I smiled at him. "No but seriously," I said. "Who would-"

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