Chapter 7 - Ricky

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Chapter 7: Ricky

I watched her walk out of the house. She looked beautiful even when she didn't try to be. I wanted her so badly. I needed her to need me as much as I needed her.

She walked to her car and got inside. I waited until she was driving down the street when I stepped out of the bushes and jogged to my car. Wondering where she was headed, I got in my car and followed her. It took me a minute or so to catch up with her, but I kept my distance. She turned down a road that was covered by trees on each side. I kept driving straight so I wouldn't look suspicious. A few minutes later I turned around and drove down the road. After about a mile, the trees spread out and the road met a parking lot. To the side was a basketball court, and next to it was a tennis court. I saw her car and drove past it. She was sitting inside, staring at the steering wheel, seeming to be deep in thought. God, she was perfect.

I parked my car at the very back of the parking lot, under the shade of some trees. It was a few minutes before another car pulled into the lot, parking next to her car. A man stepped out holding a basketball, looking to be around her age. I squinted against the bright sunlight and noticed it was that same man I saw her with the previous night. Rage filled my body. Was he her boyfriend? I wondered if he was even her brother, but I doubted it. He didn't seem to live in her house. Even so, she was mine, and he was taking her away from me.

He walked up to her car and she got out. She smiled at him and my heart skipped a beat. Her smile was so beautiful. So sweet and kind. Her lips were a light pale pink and looked so soft. I wanted to kiss them so badly. I gripped the steering wheel and tried to calm myself down. I had to be patient. I didn't want to screw up this time. A voice in my head was telling me that this was my last chance to find the one, and I knew she was the one. Nothing was going to stand in my way this time.

I watched them play basketball for almost two hours. He was obviously better than her. I didn't peg her as the athletic type, and this confirmed that. She wasn't terrible though. She made her fair share of shots. I shifted in my seat in excitement when I saw her steal the ball from him. She was dribbling towards the hoop but ran into the man and fell to the ground. He went to grab her and fell with her. They stayed like that for a few moments and I felt anxious. Suddenly, he pulled her up to him and kissed her.

I felt my heart stop. My fists clenched tightly in anger. I needed to control myself, but watching him hold her, kissing her lips, the lips only I was allowed to kiss... it filled me with rage. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, then out. When I opened my eyes again, he was helping her up. She was holding her elbow close to her, and I saw she was bleeding.

Was that his fault? When she crashed into him and fell? Not only did he kiss her, but he hurt her, too. If she would have been with me that would've never happened. We would be doing something safer, like walking on the beach or watching TV.

They walked over to his car and he opened his trunk. She sat on the hood and he pulled out a first aid kit. He bandaged her up, then suddenly she leaned up and kissed him. I felt my mouth drop. Tears welled in my eyes. What? How could she do this? What about me? She doesn't need him, she needs me!

I couldn't be mad at her. She needs a reminder of what she has so she can forget about him. I needed to get her a gift. Something special. Something better than a necklace, or a bracelet, or jewelry in general. What would she like? I wish I knew her better so I could get her more gifts. Then it hit me. I knew exactly what I would get her.


I set the gifts around her bed. I couldn't decide what to choose, so I got more than one gift. If this didn't get her attention, I would have to do way more than just buying her gifts.

From behind me, I heard a growl. I turned quickly, just in time to see a dog coming at me. I held my arm up and blocked the dog from attacking my face. It snapped its jaw down on my forearm and bit hard. I clenched my teeth together and grunted. Its teeth dug into my arm to the point there was blood dripping down. With full force, I kicked the dog back, tearing my arm from its mouth. It fell back into the hallway and I slammed the door before it could retaliate. It scratched at the door and barked, trying to get the door open. My arm throbbed and blood ran down my arm. Luckily, nothing dripped onto her carpet. I couldn't let her know I was hurt. Unfortunately, it seemed that dog meant a lot to her, so I would spare it unless it became too much of a nuisance.

I knew she would be home soon. I followed her to a pizza parlor, but couldn't stand watching her laugh and talk with that boy, so I left to get her gifts and then returned to check up on her. Where was she? She should be home soon. We left the pizza parlor at the same time. Where did she go?

Just as I went to the window, I heard the front door open and the dog bark. A nervous feeling swept over me. As much as I wanted to take this chance and meet her, she couldn't see me wounded and bleeding. I wanted her to know I had no flaws.

So, regrettably, I opened the window, carefully stepped out, and then closed it behind me. My arm needed medical attention before anything. I walked to my car, glanced at her house one more time, and then drove to the hospital. 

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