Chapter 14- Ricky

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Chapter 14: Ricky

I scattered the rose petals along the pool deck and into the water. The sun was barely touching the tops of the trees, but there was just enough light for me to see. She would probably be waking up soon, so I needed to hurry. If she saw me, the officers out front would be alerted. I couldn't risk it, no matter how badly I wanted to. Sophie needed time to realize how much she meant to me, and how much she needed me.

Barking came from inside the house. I looked over and saw Sophie's dog in the window, barking at me through the glass.

"Insignificant mutt," I muttered to myself, turning back to the pool. When the bag of rose petals was empty, I stepped back and admired my work. Sunlight glittered in the pool water as the rose petals moved slowly around each other at the surface. The dog wouldn't stop barking, so I left out the screen door and into the woods behind her house before anyone saw me. I moved a few yards back into the woods until I was sure I was hidden. Then, I sat and I waited for her to see what I left for her.


I didn't get it. What had gone wrong? I thought she loved roses! Why did she turn away from them, unimpressed by my gift to her? What did I do wrong?!

I paced next to my car, rubbing my temple. I felt myself going insane. She was obviously different from the others. Nothing I did was impressing her at all. It was frustrating... and then strangely intoxicating at the same time. Every time she seemed unimpressed by a gift, I felt myself growing more obsessed with her. I needed to show her I was the only one for her. I needed to prove to her that I could take care of her. And the more she denied it, the harder I would try.

My attention snapped towards Sophie's house when I heard her front door slammed. I peered out from behind my car and saw Sophie walking to her car with her backpack. She unlocked it and got inside, then wasted no time peeling out of the driveway and down the street. Was she going to school? I needed to find out. I needed to ask her why she didn't like my gift.

I went to get into my car, but one of the police cars in front of her house moved first. It started up and followed Sophie down the street. I slowly moved around my car and got inside, waiting a minute before following. The other police car was still parked outside of her house, and I didn't want to trigger any suspicion towards me by immediately following behind them.

Besides, I knew exactly where she was going.

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