Chapter 25- Sophie

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Chapter 25: Sophie

I woke up with bright sunlight shining on my face. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was sore all over, and my eyes still hurt from all of the crying I had done last night. Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.

I looked down at my body to find myself only wearing my bra and underwear. I brought my blanket up to my chest and stumbled off of the bed. I walked over to the dresser and opened it, finding the clothes he bought me yesterday. I took out a red tank top and some shorts and put them on. I tossed the blanket on the bed and walked out of my room.

I walked into the kitchen, but it was empty. I walked out into the living room, which was empty, too. Good, I don't want to see him. I sat on the couch and grabbed the remote to the fifty-inch plasma screen on the wall. I turned it on and turned to the news. I widened my eyes when I saw it was about me.

A local teenage girl, Sophia Anderson, was taken from a store yesterday afternoon. Her purse, keys, shoes, and pants were found at the scene. If you have any information on Sophia Anderson, please call the number at the bottom of the screen.

"Zoey..." I whispered. They probably called my mom, who was most likely on her way home from California right now. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and cried into it. I jumped when I heard the door burst open. I looked up to see Ricky coming through the door. He saw me and stopped walking. I stared at him and he stared back. Then he walked over to me slowly.

"Good morning, Sophie," he said softly. "Did you sleep well?"

I looked away and didn't answer. He sat down beside me and put one of his hands on my knee. As soon as our skin made contact I got up off the couch and walked out of the room. I heard him get up and follow me into the kitchen.

"Sophie," he said. When I kept walking into the hallway he grabbed my arm and held it tightly. "Sophie," he repeated. I didn't look at him, just stared straight ahead.

"What?" I whispered. My tears finally stopped, and they were replaced with anger and regret.

"I asked you a question," he said, pushing me up against the wall, gripping both of my upper arms tightly, forcing me to look at him. I flinched at the pain. "And when I ask you something you answer it. Do you understand me?"

When I didn't answer him, he squeezed my arms tighter and yelled, "Do you understand?!"

I whimpered and nodded, but I didn't cry. I was done with crying. No matter what he did to me or how much he scared me, I couldn't cry anymore. He put his face close to mine and whispered, "Good." He let go of my arms and I walked past him, going down the hallway and into my room.

I heard him sigh and call after me. "Sophie... Sophie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I love you, Sophie." He walked into the room after I laid down on the bed. "Sophie, I'm sorry."

"Go away," I said, not looking at him.

"Sophie, if this is about last night-"

I cut him off, sitting up and facing him. "I will never forgive you for what you did to me!" I yelled. My anger was overwhelming, and I could hardly keep it all in.


"No! You took advantage of me! You gave me no choice and now I can never do anything to take it back! You took away something important from me and-"

"Sophie!" he yelled. I stopped talking and gritted my teeth. "If you regret last night, then why did you chose Justin?"

"Because he's my best friend," I said.

"Why do you need him when you have me?!" he demanded.

"I don't want you!" I shouted, and then I realized it was a mistake. But it was too late. The hurt in his eyes was unbearable. I knew I had said the wrong thing, even if it was the truth. "I... I didn't mean..." I stuttered.

"He has to go," he said, walking out the door.

"No! No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" I got off the bed and ran after him. I caught up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He stopped walking and sighed. "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"If he's alive, how do I know you'll love me?" he said, turning around and bringing me into his arms.

"Because I want you," I said, looking up at him. I tried my best to make it look convincing. It was a huge effort to even think about these words, let alone say them. "I love you." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, hoping he would forget about hurting Justin. His hands slid up and down my back, pushing me towards him and intensifying the kiss. We finally broke apart, catching our breath.

"He needs to leave," I whispered. "But if he dies... I don't think I could live with myself. I do love you, but he still means a lot to me."

He sighed, frustrated. "How am I going to take him away?"

I thought about it for a moment and then got an idea.

"Drug him, then take him back and leave him in a public place. He'll be safe. You promised me that he would be safe," I said. There was no hiding the desperation in my voice. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"I promise he will be safe. And once he is out of here, we will have each other all to ourselves. Living a happy life together is your only dream. I know it is," he whispered.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He's deciding what my dreams are now? I don't know if I can do this anymore. I mentally slapped myself and told myself to get it together.

"Thank you, Ricky," I said, hugging him.

"You're welcome, my love. I will get rid of him tonight after you fall asleep. I swear no harm will come to him."

I hoped- I prayed- he didn't mean another night with him. I don't want another night with him.

"You don't mean..." I whispered, looking up at him.

"Yes, my dear Sophie," he whispered, smiling.

"Please, no... I love you, but please no..." I begged.

"Shh, Sophie. You'll get used to everything soon, my love. I promise."

How much longer could I go on like this? As soon as I knew Justin was safe, I would try and escape. Until then, I had to try and be as tough as I could to survive.

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