Chapter 18- Sophie

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Chapter 18: Sophie

My phone buzzed beside me and I opened my eyes. I stopped counting the days I had been in this hotel because at this point it wasn't worth it. Darius had checked in on us only a few times, and the last time I had been out of the hotel was when Justin came to visit a few days ago. And since then, I'd only received a simple text saying, 'I'm home', and the occasional 'Hope you're doing well'.

I reached for my phone quickly and glanced at the text I had waiting for me to open. I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when I saw it was from Zoey and not Justin.

'I'm five minutes away, get ready to go!', it read.

I typed back, "Why?"

Her response was almost immediate. "You've been in that hotel for almost two weeks and I haven't seen you! You're going out with me today whether you like it or not. I have the cops escorting me."

I got up from my bed and walked into the kitchen where my mom was watching Ellen on the tiny TV sitting on the counter. "Zoey is coming to pick me up in a few minutes. She said she has cops escorting her."

My mom looked up from the TV where a little girl was singing and frowned. "I don't know how I feel about you going out again, Sophie. Didn't you say that last cop disappeared on you and Justin?"

"Yeah, but we were fine. I came back in one piece, didn't I?" I said.

"Alright, but I want updates this time," she sighed, sipping at her third cup of coffee that morning.

I nodded and retreated back to my room to get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. A few minutes later, Zoey texted me again to let me know she was waiting in the parking lot for me. I grabbed my bag and kissed my mom on the cheek.

"I love you, Mom," I said, opening the door.

"I love you too, Sophie!" she called back at me from the kitchen. "Updates!"

I let the door close behind me as I headed towards the elevators. I stepped into one of them and hit the 'Lobby' button. The doors closed and started moving down slowly. I pulled out my phone and texted Zoey to let her know I'd be downstairs in a minute. The elevator doors opened and I stepped out into the chilly hallway. It was eerily quiet as my footsteps echoed on the white tile leading me to the lobby.


I jumped at the sudden squeal. Before I could turn, I was being embraced from the side. I looked down and saw Zoey smiling at me.

"Zoey!" I squealed back. I usually didn't get this excited to see someone, but it felt like ages since I'd seen her.

"I missed you so much!"

I returned her tight hug. "I missed you, too!"

We stood there and hugged for a few moments until I realized we were being watched by not only the cops who escorted her and concierge, but a few of the hotel guests as well. I dropped the hug and pulled her towards the door.

"So where did you plan on taking me to?" I asked when we got outside.

"Well, there's a little outlet mall I passed on the way here. We could go there?" she suggested.

I hadn't been shopping with Zoey since the homecoming dance of our junior year. The thought made me happy. "Sounds fun. Let's go."

We got into her car and waited for the cops to give us the "okay" to go. She started the car and we pulled out of the parking lot.

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