Chapter 9 - Ricky

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Chapter 9: Ricky



I finally knew her name. It was a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

I jumped over the fence to her neighbor's house and ran through their backyard. I kept jumping fences, going from house to house until I met the edge of the street. I ducked into the shadows of the woods and waited. The sirens stopped, but I could faintly see the red and blue flashing lights reflecting off of the nearby houses.

The adrenaline rushed through my veins. I finally met her. I spoke to her. I almost touched her. My mind raced with questions. Why would she call the police on me? Was she that scared of me? Maybe I took things too fast for her? I almost hit myself. I was a God damn idiot!

I walked down the street, away from her house and towards my car. I got inside and started driving in the direction of her house, slowly and cautiously. I almost couldn't get past the ambulance in the middle of the street. Then I saw her.

Sophie was sitting in the ambulance, holding a dark blanket around her. A paramedic was examining her, but she just stared blankly at her house. Tears ran down her cheeks, but she didn't wipe them away. Frustration flooded my body. She was crying and I wasn't able to help her. Not without being caught.

I continued to drive, dodging the police cars and officers that scattered the street. One female officer flagged me down and I clenched my teeth. She came up to my car as I stopped and rolled down the window. A flashlight was in her hand. She flashed it in the car and glanced around.

"Sir, where are you headed this late at night?" she asked, skeptical. I glanced at the clock. It was past midnight.

I thought for a moment, clenching the knife in my jacket. "My daughter is in the hospital. I'm going to visit her. My wife called me and said she's awake," I lied. The officer looked at me, narrowing her eyes. I tensed, worried she wouldn't believe my story. Then, she lowered the flashlight and waved me on. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and took my hand off of my knife.

"Alright sir, have a good night," she sighed. I nodded at her and drove forward, exiting Sophie's neighborhood. I gripped the steering wheel as I drove. It started raining. I wondered if Sophie was okay. All I knew was that I needed to see her again. I needed to be with her. And even if she didn't know it yet, she needed me, too.

I needed to get her something; another gift. She needed to know how much I loved her, and hopefully, she would forgive me for startling her. I kept driving through the rain until I came to a small motel. I parked in the parking lot in front of a small, gated swimming pool and turned off the car. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I needed to sleep. Sophie was untouchable tonight, and that was something even I couldn't deny. I would get her a present and see her tomorrow.

No one will stop me from getting what is mine.

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