Chapter 8 - Sophie

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Chapter 8: Sophie

I walked into my house, groceries in hand, and was instantly greeted by Naomi. "Hey, girl."

She whimpered, then padded down the hallway. Her nails were scratching at my door. I set the groceries down at the doorway of the kitchen and followed her. My door was shut.

"Why is this shut?" I asked myself. I turned the nob and Naomi pushed past me, sniffing around. My eyes immediately went to bed. An array of gifts were scattered along my bed. I slowly walked over and glanced at each gift. "What the hell...?"

A huge bouquet of roses was on my bedside table. Boxes of chocolate tied together with a red ribbon sat in between the fluffy legs of a brown teddy bear that held a heart that said 'I Love You'. A basket full of body soaps, sprays, lotions, and bath bombs was wrapped together with a pink ribbon. A note was beside it all. I picked it up and read it.

I hope your elbow is okay. You are not allowed to kiss anyone but me from now on. I will see you soon. –Yours Truly

I smiled, thinking of Justin. I couldn't believe he did all of this! Was this because he felt sorry because I fell?

I set the note down and went to put the groceries away. After leaving Pete's, I stopped by the store and used some of the money my mom send over to buy some food for the house. Justin would be here soon and I wanted to straighten up the house, not that he cared much. I put the last grocery away, balled up the plastic bag, and tossed it into the trashcan. From there, I walked around the house and tidied it up.

The doorbell rang and I put down the blanket I was folding on the back of the couch. "Come in!" I called.

The door opened and Justin walked in. Naomi barked and jumped up at him. "Hey there, Naomi," he laughed, closing the door and kneeling to pet her. She licked his face all over, obviously happy to see him.

"Hello," I greeted, walking up to him.

Justin stood and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. His lips gently touched mine and he smiled. "Hey there."

I smiled back at him, a warm feeling spreading through my body. It felt natural to be like this with him, and it felt great. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room. He fell onto the couch, stretching out and settling himself.

"I'll be right back," I said, hurrying to my room. I didn't get the chance to clean myself up after playing basketball, so I wanted to shower really quick and change into something more comfortable. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes while waiting for it to warm up. I rinsed my sweaty body off, carefully avoiding my sore elbow, and washed my hair.

I rushed drying myself off and putting my hair in a messy bun once it wasn't sopping wet anymore. Once I was dressed in my pajamas, I walked back out to the living room to see Justin flipping through channels on the TV. He looked over to me as I sat down.

"You smell better," he commented. I elbowed him.

"You don't," I lied. He smelled like aftershave, and it smelled good. I wanted to kiss him, but I restrained myself.

"What do you want to watch this time? No bad scary movies this time," he quickly said as I opened my mouth. I laughed and elbowed him again.

"It wasn't that bad..." I began to say, but I knew it was a lie. The movie we watched the previous night was terrible. "How about a mystery?"


"I love that movie!" I exclaimed. Morgan Freeman was one of my favorite actors, and Justin knew that. "Let's watch it!"

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