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I met Louise and we conversed quietly. People kept looking at us and Jack tried to talk to me, but I just shook my head and he walked away looking rejected. I started to panic, this was not going to work out. Louise was trying to comfort me and after a while we decided to go to Alfie's flat. We asked Caspar for his keys since he wanted to stay at the party longer and we got a cab back to his place.

I was feeling very emotional about this. I felt as if it was all my fault, I mean Alfie was protecting me when he punched Finn. We got to Alfie's flat and I unlocked the door. I immeadiately walked over to the couch and curled up. Louise sat down next to me and opened her laptop to write a blogpost. I started to cry, the tears coming slow and quiet at first, but I started to work up a good sob. 

Louise stopped typing and smiled weakly at me. "Don't worry chummy, it will be fine." She then stood up and made her way to the kitchen to make me some of Alfie's best hot chocolate. It worried me that he was still at Jack and Finn's place, how would he get back and who would bring him back? I suddenly felt very bad and also very stupid. How was Alfie getting home?

"Louise," I called out. She made a sound of noticing me and cocked her head to the side, as if beckoning me to continue. "How is Alfie getting home?"

She stopped stirring the hot cocoa, "I'm not sure. Someone will give him a ride though, I'm positive. Don't worry." She walked over and handed my my hot chocolate. I really had the best friend in the world.


I glanced down at my phone only to see that it was Alfie. At this point I had had several mental breakdowns and I was crying at the moment. I was too ashamed to answer the phone so I just silently handed it to Louise. She would talk care of everything.


About twenty minutes later the door creaked open. I sprang to my feet and once seeing that it was Alfie and not Caspar, lunged myself at him. I wrapped my arms around him and continued to sob. "Oh my gosh, you're okay," I said in a whisper. I knew that he had only been punched in the gut, but to me it was a big deal. Anyway, my brain always blew things out of proportion.

Alfie grinned and hugged me back. His arms were warm and I felt safe in his embrace. After about a minute Louise coughed and I drew back my cheeks having turned a bright scarlet. "What happened after you came to?" I asked expectantly. 

I sat next to Alfie on the couch and leaned my head on his shoulder as he told me and Louise what had happened and how Louis had given him a ride. I always Louis was a good egg. "We were so worried," I said in a quiet voice. Alfie smiled. 

"No need to, I will always be fine." He talked a little bit more and then Louise traipsed off to bed. That left us alone, we were finally alone. This was what I had wanted all day. Just me and Alfie. This was where I was going to confess my true feelings for him. Nothing would awkward and it would be the end of it. Unfortunately neither one of us was drunk, so I probably wouldn't get the guts up to do anything like that.

All conversation had ceased and we were just watching TV. There was obviously some tension in the room and it all felt very awkward. I looked over at Alfie to see how he was doing, only to find that he was already looking at me. I was caught unawares by his beauty. He was truly very attractive, not to mention fit. 

I had no idea what made me do it, but I started to lean in for a kiss. I was very hesitant about it at first, but he didn't back out, so I continued on with my course towards his lips. Just as they were about to meet the door opened. A very drunk Caspar laipsed in and me and Alfie's heads shot apart. Great, I thought. Just great. 

"Well I better get to bed, night Caspar. Night Alfie. Love you both." I said in a friendly way but I could tell that both Alfie, and the drunk Caspar took as if it meant something more. I made my way into the darkness of the spare bedroom and lay down next to Louise. I fell asleep in my party clothes and with all of my makeup on. It had been a big day. 

Can This Be True? { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now