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The whole night that I spent with Alfie was great. We had laughed and eaten popcorn while he edited. I think I ended up falling asleep in his lap at around 2 am in the morning. The next thing I remember was a cold glass of water splashing on my face. I sat up abruptly and spulttered, shrieking. 

"What the hell?!" I screamed. I saw Caspar and Alfie laughing at the side of his bed. I stood up and started to chase Alfie around his flat. By this time I had started laughing, it had been a quite abrupt way to wake up, but I had to admit, it was funny. 

I finally caught up to Alfie. I grabbed his arm and pulled him close to me for a kiss. I could hear Caspar groan in the background. Wait, Caspar was here and Alfie wasn't yelling at him. I pulled away from Alfie. "Wait, are you guys friends again?" I questioned slowly. 

"Yes!" Caspar said with a smile. "We made up, thought it was for the better and I apologized, no harm no foul."

"Well you did a harm..." I said quietly, but no one heard me. At least they were friends again. I did find this odd that Alfie had forgiven Casar so quickly, as I knew him to hold grudges, but who was I to know. This would just make the Florida trip so much more fun!

"Oh shit!" I said suddenly, I still had to pack for Florida and our plane was leaving tomorrow. 

"What is it?" Alfie asked worriedly. 

"I need to pack!" I said. I rushed into Alfie's room and started to get dressed hurriedly, throwing all that I had brought to his flat into my handbag. I grabbed my phone and opened it to Twitter scrolling through all of my messages. Apparently Alfie had already uploaded the video as my feed was filled with Zalfie comments. 

I sighed and scrolled through a few with a smile. I sat down on my bed as I heard Alfie getting ready in the bathroom. He was going to take me to the train station soon. All of the tweets were the same, just silly stuff like how I had made people's lives complete. One unusual one caught my eye though. 

PytVashErad77~ Zoe, stay away from Alfie, he is mine. I know you might think I am kidding, but I'm not. Stay away from him or I will find you. Keep your eye out for me and have fun in Florida, I'll see you there. ;)

This comment freaked me out a little bit, but I ignored it. I'm sure a lot of people were jealous of me now. I knew that they had great reason to be, Alfie was very attrative. This girl whoever she was, was just trying to be intimedating. She meant nothing to me. 

Just then Alfie came out of the bathroom. "Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Yep!" I said, grabbing my bag. I walked over to Alfie and slipped my hand into his. "Wait, you better grab your bags. Then we can just go to the airport together and not have to make more than one trip."

"Alright," Alfie said. After we were all situated with all of our bags we headed off to find a taxi. From there we would be on a train, then an airplane. I could hardly wait for all the fun that I knew I would have in Florida with Alfie. Now that all of the viewers knew we wouldn't have to keep our relationship a secret. This was going to be the best holiday ever. 

Kind of a filler chapter, I had to set the scene for Playlist though! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! After I finish this fanfic I definitely plan to write another one, so keep your eyes peeled for that. I love you all!!! ^_^ xxx

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