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I just stood there, shocked at what I saw. My brother was lying in a hospital room, large bandages all over him and he looked like he was dead. My mother and father both reassured me that he would be fine after about a week and that he wasn't dead, he was just sleeping. I just clung to Alfie the whole time, still in a state of shock.

After a while, me and Alfie sat down in the seat by the window. We didn't say anything, we just sat there. I started to hear shouting though and looked up. My parents had just walked back into the room and there were in a big argument. They then saw that I was there and stopped. "I had better go," my mum said. Then she left. My father quickly followed. Every since they had gotten a divorce nothing had gone right. 

"Alfie, lets go back to London. I don't want to be here anymore. It makes me too depressed." Alfie nodded and stood up. He dropped my hand and started to walk out of the hospital room. I knew this was hard for him as well since him and Joe were such good friends. I felt weird not having Alfie's hand in mine so I ran up to him and slipped my hand back into his. 

Without warning he turned and kissed me again. I was shocked at first, a little annoyed at how abrupt he had chosen to be, but then I deepened into the kiss. He made everything better. He wrapped his hands around my tiny waist and rested them on my lower back. I pulled back though. "Alfie what's going on between us?" Were we more than friends now? Or were we boyfriend and girlfriend. I had no idea. 

"I don't know," was all that he murmured. Apparently he had already called for a taxi, as there was one waiting outside the hospital for us. We climbed in and started to make our way back to the station. I rested my head in Alfie's lap as he stroked my forehead softly. 


The train ride was very uneventful. I guess I feel asleep, because when we got to London Alfie had to shake me awake. Everything felt like a dream. It seemed as if no one was talking, nothing was happening, and it felt as if Alfie and I had never kissed. Joe wasn't in the hospital, none of it had ever happened. Everything just felt so wrong and out of place. I felt dead.

Before I knew it we were at Alfie's flat. I didn't even remember how we got there. Everything was a haze to me now. It seemed as if I was seeing everything through mist. Louise was at Alfie's, which was weird. I had thought that she had come to the hospital with us. I perched myself on the edge of the couch and smiled up at everyone. "Hello," I said dreamily when Alfie walked past me into the kitchen. 

"Where is Caspar?" I asked. Probably about the only reasonable thing I had said today. No one answered me though and I found myself starting to cry. Everyone was ignoring me and I couldn't hear anyone, not even the TV that was on in the corner. "Where am I?" I asked, and that was all that I remember. 

Oh, I am so sorry for that crap chapter. I don't even have a brain right now and that doesn't even really fit into the story... Also it was super short. I am really sorry guys. The next chapter will be oh so much better, and I will publish right about now. So sorry for this little filler of mumbo jumbo... xxxx

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