Chapter Three

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After the movie Harry and Louis walked home with a talkative Adaley. She was rambling on and on about how amazing the movie was and Harry nodded along with her absentmindedly. Soon Adaley poked his cheek with a pout.

"Daddy. Are you even listening to me?" she asked and Harry sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm just distracted." He said softly and Adaley nodded. When they got inside the apartment Harry got a text from Terrance saying he was coming over. Harry groaned softly and walked into the living room where Adaley was drawing on her easel. Louis looked up and frowned when he saw Harry's stressed face.

"What's up?" Louis asked and Adaley looked up, smiling at Harry. The tall boy sat on the couch next to Louis and smiled forcefully.

"Nothing. Why don't you and Ada go to the park and play some soccer? It'd be good for her to get some fresh air. I'm gonna stay here and do some work around the house." Harry suggested and Adaley nodded, running to her room to grab her ball. Louis could see straight through Harry's smile.

"Who texted you?" he asked softly and Harry sighed.

"Terr. He wants to discuss funeral arrangements." Harry whispered and Louis nodded understandingly, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. As Louis and Adaley walked out the door he kissed them softly and hugged them tightly. After the door closed behind them Harry started to clean up around their apartment. He picked up Adaley's toys and vacuumed. As he cleaned he thought about how big LA was and how unsafe it could be. When he finished he walked into the kitchen and started to make dinner, humming to himself. Soon there was soft knock at the door and he pulled the front door open, smiling sadly at the man in front of him. Terrance's normal perfectly styled hair was messy and he was wearing a pair of sweatpants. Harry ushered for him to come in and directed to the kitchen. Terrance sat down and sighed heavily.

"Where's Ada?" Terrance asked softly and Harry sat a cup of hot coffee in front of him.

"Louis took her to the park while we talk. I didn't want her overhearing us talking about her mother's funeral." Harry said softly as he sat across from him and sipped his coffee. "How are you?" he whispered and Terrance shrugged.

"I'm still alive." Terrance mumbled and sipped the coffee. "It's been hard knowing that I won't be able to see my baby sister again. She was my best friend and the only one who supported me when I came out. My parents hated it but they let me stay because they knew what I was going to go somewhere. They didn't think the same about her. They didn't see how smart and amazing she is... I mean was." He whispered and broke down, covering his face with his hands as he sobbed. "I miss her so much." He cried and Harry got up, walking over and hugging Terrance tightly.

"She wouldn't want you to be sad, Terrance." Harry said softly as he rubbed Terrance's back. As the older man cried into his chest he thought back to what Adaley said about her dream. Harry took a deep breath and told Terrance about the little girl's dream after his tears had slowed down. Terrance wiped his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath.

"That sounds like my sister. Let's get started on these arrangements." Terrance said with a strong voice and pulled the folder that held all the paperwork for the funeral. Harry moved to sit across from Terrance and gave him a small smile. They worked on the arrangements until it was dark outside and Louis and Adaley were walking through the front door.

"Baby! We're home!" Louis called and Adaley came running into the kitchen, eyes lighting up when she saw her uncle sitting at the table.

"Uncle Terr!" She said happily and ran to him, giggling when he lifted her up into his lap. "What are you doing here?" she asked as she hugged him tightly. Terrance laughed softly and kissed her nose, making her giggle.

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