Chapter Forty-Six

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Everyone except Louis, Harry, Tayler, and Michael went out for drinks after the match. They decided to go back to the house so Tayler and Michael could pick up Emery. When they got there they found Zayn and Ali curled up on the couch while the television played softly in the background. Harry cleared his throat and Zayn's head snapped around to see his friends standing in the doorway.

"Hey guys. How was the fight?" Zayn asked as Ali sat up, stretching her sore back. Harry smiled softly and helped her off the couch.

"It was pretty good. Alice won after she got her old trainer arrested." Louis said nonchalantly and Zayn's jaw dropped.

"How the hell did she do that?" Zayn asked as he held Ali's coat out for her. Harry leaned against the door frame as he watched his fiancé unlace his Vans.

"Apparently he'd been violating some of his adolescent trainees and Alice found out and exposed him at the match. Apparently someone had called the police and they were there to arrest him." Harry explained and Zayn nodded. Soft pattering of feet ended their conversation as Harry looked over his shoulder to see Adaley and Emery sleepily walking down the hall hand in hand while Elsa trailed closely behind them. He smiled softly at the scene and made a mental note of how adorable the two of them looked together. Adaley walked up to him and Harry lifted her up. She laid her head on his shoulder and yawned softly, nuzzling her face into Harry's neck. The sight made Louis coo softly and he watched as Emery walked over to Tayler and Michael, Michael picking her up. Emery mirrored Adaley's actions and nuzzled her face into Michael's neck.

"Mommy. Daddy. Are we going home?" Emery asked through a yawn and Tayler's heart swelled with love when she heard Emery call Michael daddy.

"Yes baby." Tayler said softly as she rubbed Emery's back. Everyone bid their goodbyes and soon Harry, Louis, and Adaley were alone in their home. Adaley yawned softly and Harry chuckled.

"I think it's time for a little princess to go to bed." Harry said gently and Adaley let out a soft whine.

"But I wanna stay up with you and Papa." Adaley whined and Louis chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's after nine, baby. It's past your bedtime. Way past your bedtime." Louis said and Adaley grumbled softly but she didn't argue as Harry carried her up the stairs while Louis followed close behind. Harry sat her gently on her bed while Louis pulled her pajamas from her dresser. He laid them next to her and nodded to them. "Get changed princess while Daddy and I get changed for bed as well." He instructed and Adaley nodded. Louis and Harry walked out of the bedroom and into their own. They shut their door tightly and stripped down, pulling on their own pajamas. Louis smiled softly as he watched his beautiful fiancé tie his extremely long hair back into a messy bun. Harry caught Louis' eyes in the mirror of their dresser and turned around with a cocked eyebrow.

"What's got you so smiley?" Harry asked as he tucked a lose curl behind his ear.

"You're beautiful." Louis murmured and Harry rolled his eyes playfully as a light blush spread across his cheeks.

"You're crazy." Harry joked and Louis fondly shook his head. "Anyway, do you want to read Ada her bedtime story while I clean up downstairs?" he asked and Louis shrugged.

"Don't you want to wait until tomorrow to do that? I mean we have all day tomorrow to do whatever we want. It's the last day before Adaley starts school." Louis asked and Harry shook his head.

"Tomorrow we have to get Adaley school supplies. We have to get her a lunch box, pencils, paper, a backpack. We have a lot to do tomorrow in preparation for her first day." Harry said and Louis sighed heavily but nodded. They both walked back into Adaley's room to see her already tucked into bed. Harry took a glance around her extremely messy room and gave her a displeased look.

"What Daddy?" Adaley asked innocently and Harry sighed softly.

"Tomorrow you have to clean your room princess. It's a disaster." Harry told her and she nodded. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead and in turn she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight my princess. Sleep well. I love you." He said with a small smile as Louis crawled into the bed with her.

"Goodnight my Daddy. I love you too." She said sleepily and Harry walked out of the room, shutting the door tightly behind him. He walked downstairs with Elsa on his heels. He let the large dog outside before he started to clean up from their party, humming to himself as he went. He did the dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen, and he decided that he'd wait until tomorrow morning to vacuum. He yawned softly and noticed that two hours went by. He frowned and let the dog back inside as he wondered why Louis hadn't come down yet. He made his way upstairs and shut lights off as he went. He silently opened Adaley's bedroom door and his heart soared into the clouds when he saw the scene before him. Adaley's bedside light was still on but the book that Adaley had picked had fallen to the floor. Louis was sound asleep in the small bed, small snores escaping through his parted lips and Adaley had her head on his chest as she tightly clung to his shirt. Harry pulled out his phone from his pajama pants pocket and snapped a picture of the scene, setting it as the background on his phone. He fought an internal battle before he decided that he should wake Louis up. He tip toed over the bed, turned off the light and grimaced as he thought about how difficult waking Louis would be. He gently shook his fiancé's shoulder and the older man groaned, batting at Harry sleepily.

"Lou. Wake up" Harry whispered, sweetly brushing some hair off of Louis' forehead. When Louis failed to stir, Harry made the decision to lift Louis and carry him to bed. He gently pried Adaley's fingers from their tight grip on Louis' shirt before he slid one arm under Louis' legs and the other under his back. He lifted the smaller man up and Louis' arms instinctively wrapped around Harry's neck. Harry fumbled his way out of Adaley's room and into their own but thankfully he didn't break Louis, himself, or anything around him. He laid Louis down in the bed and Louis instantly whined at the loss of contact. Louis' eyes opened slightly as he looked up at Harry whose milky skin was illuminated by the light from the full moon that was pouring into their French balcony doors.

"Hazza." Louis said softly and Harry smiled down at him.

"Yes BooBear?" Harry said softly as he gently cupped Louis' cheek and Louis nuzzled his face into Harry's hand before responding.

"Come cuddle." Louis demanded in a childish tone and Harry laughed softly, gently pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead.

"Anything for my baby." Harry whispered before he climbed into the bed next to Louis and drifted into a peaceful sleep in the arms of the man who would one day soon become his husband. His forever.

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